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Nov 12, 2011
I know DS doesn't drink enough in a day and I've tried every trick in the book to get him to drink more, but now I'm just wondering... can dehydration be an EIM? I only ask because my friend's 13 year old son also has Crohn's and she says the same thing about her son.

The other day DS came in from shoveling snow for 20 minutes and was pale as a ghost and thirsty. He had a Gatorade and within minutes perked right up. When he plays tennis the same thing happens. He gets weaker (tho probably only noticeable to me) and pale. He does make an effort to drink a lot when at practices and matches, but it doesn't seem to be enough. He'll have a Gatorade on the drive home, he pinks up, and perks up. Is it the electrolytes? Sugar? Is it possible to metabolize water too fast?

Any thoughts?
I can’t say that I have ever seen dehydration listed as an EIM of Crohn’s.

It goes without saying that it would be a symptom, but not EIM, for some when flaring.

Could it be related to the site of his resection? Thinking not absorbing salts and therefore not as great a capacity to retain water?? That is just me speculating though and I really don’t have any science behind it! :eek2:

I haven’t noticed this with my two though but they do drink quite a bit of water.

Dusty. xxx
Interesting thread. I know my son does not drink enough and it is a constant battle. He's 11 you would think he'd get tired of me nagging ;-) last time he went for his iron infusion they had a hard time with his veins collapsing which they said could be because of dehydration.
O tends towards dehydration also. I think it has more to do with absorption than anything else. Even non IBD kids don't drink enough. You re supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 100 pounds you are supposed to drink 50 ounces of water a day. That is for your every day normal non IBD person. Add a teenager, athletic activity, IBD in the mix and you should probably drnk more. O drinks at least 64 ounces of water a day and if she doesn't she certainly feels the effects.
We got a note so Ds carries a 24 oz water bottle all day at school
This helps since drinking at once doesn't help either .
O has a note as does my non ibder.

To help track how much they are drinking we put hair bands around the bottle for the number of times they are supposed to fill it up. So if O needs 50 ounces minimum and her water bottle is 16 ounces we put 3 bands on the bottle. Each time she fills it up she removes a band. At the end of the day if all bands are off and bottle is empty she has done her job. If not...drink up!

It is surprising that you think you are drinking enough but when you do the hairband/rubberband trick you really see how little you are drinking when left to your own.

Hairband trick works especially well with girls as they always have a band on them for their hair:thumleft:
Interesting CIC, Jack carries around a gatorade bottle of water but I don't know how many times he feels it up in a day. Might have to try the rubber band trick. Baseball workouts start Monday so I want to make sure he is getting enough water.
They are all allowed to carry water bottles at school so that has not been an issue

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