Diagnosed 2 months ago

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 14, 2012
Hello I was Diagnosed with crohns 2 months ago and have been having a really hard time, including severe anxiety and panic attacks along with the pain, diarrhea and confusion of what to eat and not eat. Also I have no energy and am confused most of the day. I think I am deficient in some vitamin or mineral and have started giving myself B-12 shots but nothing has helped. The doctors just want to put me on Zoloft and Xanax but I am trying to find something else to help with everything. Any help from more experienced members would be greatly appreciated.
they want to put you on Xanax and Zoloft together???:ywow:

I am being treated for Depression/Anxiety and ADHD by a psychiatrist and also see a psychotherapist which aids tremendously in my coping and management of the psychological aspects which my Chrons can manifest and be manifested ...

remember, Anxiety and Depression will amplify your chron's and the chron's will amplify the others...

I take Celexa and Kolonopin for the depression and anxiety.. Celexa has been found to help the Chron's situation as well..

I take Adderall for the adhd..

My thoughts are when it comes to psych meds, always let a psych dr prescibe them.. a good psych dr will be in the know and up to date as far as what chron's disease is and which meds help and which meds will interact with the chron's

Hope you get it sorted out.
Greetings and welcome to the forum! I'm so glad you joined :) I'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble though and hope we can help. Sometimes the meds they want to put you on can help, but I agree with you that we should first make sure there's not an easily treatable underlying issue such as a deficiency that is causing what you're feeling. Questions:

1. What medications are you on?

2. How are your blood test results? Is anything abnormal?

3. Have you been tested for vitamin D, vitamin B12, and folate deficiencies? If so, what were your specific levels for each?

4. Are you being sure to take in enough water with electrolytes each day to avoid dehydration?

Let's start there.

Again, welcome!
A big hello from me too :) I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis but glad you found your way to the forum. A positive diagnosis for IBD is a lot to get your head round but I hope we can see you through it.
I, like David, was going to ask what meds you are on fir the Crohn's. It's common to be put on a steroid as a first line of attack and the confusion and anxiety you describe can be a side effect.

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