I’m 41. In the process of ruling other things out. I’m curious if anyone here was diagnosed between the ages of 35-45-ish??? I know there tends to be a spike in diagnoses after the age of 60, but I feel like I’m right outside of both of the ‘typical’ age groups for Crohn’s diagnoses. That said, I have pain low down on my right side, urgency, frequency (but not really diarrhea - just very soft stool). No blood. Sometimes my abdomen feels tender to touch all over.... the pain doesn’t seem to be in one specific place. It feels like ALL of my intestines are sore, if that makes sense. My blood work is fine. The hoops you have to jump through in Canada to see a GI specialist are ridiculous. I finally saw one in the summer and he declined the colonoscopy b/c I was asymptomatic at the time and the test for occult blood in the stool and fecal calproctin came back normal. I’m considering going privately to have a ‘virtual colonscopy’ (basically MRI of the colon following prep for colonscopy), but I’m not sure how accurate they are. Any thoughts?? TIA!