Diagnosed Jan 2011

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Oct 19, 2011
Hi all,
I'm was 27 when disgnosed, SHORT VERSION OF THE STORY: I just had severe upset stomach (26 days and 11kg lost) and the Dr's kept sending me away with antibiotics. I was fatigued, couldn't eat, didn't want to move, couldn't work for the terrible pain.
On the 27th day and 13th visit to the Dr I broke down and said 'I'm dying!' and was finally admitted to hospital.
I was initially suspected of having colitis, but after 4 days on nausea causing antibiotics intravenously, and prednisone - it became apparent it was Chrons. Acute - they were fearful for my life - I had no potassium in my system and my liver was reading at 4000 - (meant to be 1-20 max).
The colonoscopy has diagnosed that it is colon only and below (for which I am lucky they assure me!!!)
6 weeks off work - and slowly but surely I was off the prednisone and back to normal!!! Felt like I wasn't even sick anymore....
I had stopped smoking upon the advice of my Drs and as my health improved I slipped. I was on a strict low-fibre diet, and I started smoking again, and would occasionaly slip with the diet.
I am now having my first relapse!!!!! WHY OH WHY did I forget how terrible this disease is!
I have now given up the cigarettes for GOOD. Have put myself on a liquid only diet (going to try 48 hours - any advice???) of soups, ensure and probiotic yoghurt.
I spoke to my Dr yesterday on the telephone and I can't get into see her without going to emergency. My appointment is in 5 days.
I have a few questions for fellow sufferers though - as I had no idea forums like this existed!
1. This is my first flare up - so I don't know what to expect - flare up appears to only affect me in the morning? 6am-12pm then I am fine? But Its hard to 'go' sometimes tho I feel an urge - then sometimes I just go and go and go!
2. Does anyone else have to ignore the advice of their dietician and Dr and not 'introduce' regular food back into their diet? I literally cannot eat anything that isnt low-fibre?
3. Did anyone else experience elevated liver readings during a flare/diagnosis? My Drs were baffled and said I must have HIV/HEP/TB (which I don't after endless testing)?
4. Finally, am I treating this first flare-up right? I got sick (slightly) 11 days ago and its gradually gotten worse, but I can still come to work, I don't feel fatigued - I've lost 4kg though. I feel physically fine but I know I am not. I am going straight to bed at night when I get home and resting, taking 15mg prednisone a day and liquid diet?
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:welcome: to the forum. Everyone's typical flare is different. Some with alot of pain, some when bm pass through.. I have had "special" diets but they didnt seem to make a difference. I never had liver readings, but I do know that imuran affected mine..can't take it anymore. Quitting smoking is a good idea, I quit 10 years ago and was on the advice of my gp who was studying to become a Anaestheologist (sp) and said when you smoke your chances of death is greater when you have surgery. I was having elective surgery in 6months so I quit, never looked back. I do occassionally drink Ensure when having a bad flare, it does help to rest the bowels.

Let us know what your doc says.
Welcome to the forum!!! I joined a few days ago and it has been awesome!! I was just diagnosed with CD a month ago.

I'm in the middle of a flare up right now and a change in my diet has been key!! I used to eat a lot of fast food and junk food. Over the past month I have been eating a lot of yogurt, PB and J's, ham and turkey sandwiches on white bread, carrots, bananas, a lot of seafood like salmon and tuna, steak (less fatty steaks), cottage cheese, a lot of baked potatoes (don't eat the skin), iceberg lettuce salads.

Foods that I avoid: greasy foods, fried foods, anything with seeds, fiber foods, all nuts, popcorn( I heard it's the worst), fruit with skin( apples are fine if you peel them).

It also has helped my bowel movements when I run or bike or just go on long walks. Also I drink coffee early in the morning to get things going.

I've been on predisone the past month and that has REALLY helped me eat more. However, I have make sure I don't eat giant meals cause that usually causes a lot of pain later. I just try to eat smaller meals and snacks through out the day.

Good luck with everything, it gets better! This forum is the best resource I have found!!!! Everyone here is sooo welcoming and helpful!!!
Hi and welcome! I have had bad days similar to yours. I rush in and out of the bathroom several times an hour in the AM, but then I am not too bad the rest of the day. Weird, right?

As far as diet, you need to do what works best for you. Everyone is different. I suggest keeping a food diary. Write down what you eat and any symptoms. You should be able to see patterns and determine your safe and "no-no" foods.

I sure hope this flare passing quickly and you feel well again soon!

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