Diagnosed Recently, Confused

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Feb 29, 2012
Well to start off I have never saught out a support group for really anything in my life and I don't really know how to go about doing so. So here goes, I am a male who is just about to turn 21 years old, and I was diagnosed about a year about, but have had Crohn's for roughly 2-3 years. At first i thought nothing of it. I knew it was going to be a rough road ahead of me but I figured everything would work out in the end. I have always done fairly well with pain, and can take quite a bit of it till I have to get medication. I have a long-time girlfriend who seems to be really understanding about everything and willing to help where she can. My biggest issue is the loss in progress of feeling better.

I was started out on steriods for about six months with variations in dosage, I am sure most of you know how they never really worked. My Dr. seems to take steps very slowly and doesn't give you really any support other than the few questions you can ask him in the time you have with him. I recently was put onto Cimzia about 3 months ago, and it doesn't seem to be doing much, less trips to the bathroom (if anything). The shots are annoying but i am getting worried about the side effects. I have started to break out in a scaly rash on my forehead, which i got cream from my regular doc to counteract. And hair loss as well, but then again i guess that could just be bad genes.

My real issue in coming here is that i seem to be getting depressed lately, which is not normal for me. Just the worry that things can only get worse from here bothers me most. My family doesn't really support me too much, and the are the last people who i could talk to about this. My girlfriend is really all I have support wise. And I am honestly scared to death she will get sick of all this and have to leave me.

I currently attend a nearby college full time, and I want to have a job, but it would have to be one with an understanding boss, but that would be near impossible to find becuse between college and a job I would need time to rest. I recently have gained about 30 pounds from the steroids, but i am working the weight off and have dropped about 15. My biggest issue is just the fatigue, and always being so damn tired. I always feel like I don't want to do anything because of the fatigue. This then effects my performace in day to day things that I seem to never get accomplished.

I really just joined this forum in hopes that someone my age is going through some of the same things, or someone has so in the past has and gotten through everything Okay. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

PS: I need some ideas for food that is good for a diet, but will not annoy my Crohn's either. All ideas welcome.
You should not only address food, but drinks. A few helpful tips a Chinese doc gave me:
1. Never drink tea or cofee on an empty belly. This will affect your digestion, since it will affect the lining of the stomach and food does not digest as well. Burns off the coating that helps you digest. Only drink that with food, if at all.
2. NO carbonated beverages
3. Ginger tea will help alleviate nausea and improve digestion. You can drink room temp or warm.
4. Avoid cold foods/drinks. Can cause spasms in belly
5. Learn to do belly rubs (girlfriend can do this for you as well, quite relaxing). Begin on right side and go over belly, down around your left side (looking down at your belly, using navel as the center), down around the lower ab and back to the right side. You are massaging your ascending to descending colon. You may hear gurgles and feel relief. This improves blood circulation; letting the body help heal itself and improve digestion.
6. Use a GOOD probiotic on a dailiy basis
7. May want to try digestive enzymes with each meal to improve digestion
8. A natural antibiotic, if you feel quite bloated and sore in belly, is garlic. You can either eat a clove a night (can be tough), or get a good garlic capsule (look at ingredients to be sure garlic is ingredient, suprisingly low amount on some). I have noticed significant swelling reduction with this one.
9. Walking daily is some of the best exercise. The piont is to keep the blood circulating.
10. Eating a larger meal earlier in the day may help your digestion.
11. Smaller meals thorughout the day may also help
12. Baked apple slices may be better to digest, rather than raw
13. Eliminate breads, pastas, etc. (doc said to think of it as anything that rises with yeast may rise in belly - concept)
14. Eliminate as much sugar as possible; the source of many disease progressions
15. I rarely eat meat (and only organic when I do, as I found that makes a difference), but will have fish, beans, chicken... Meat can be tough on digestion

Hope some of these tips may help you! Read up on healthy lifestyles and folllow accordingly. As any disease, you have to address your eating/drinking habits and exercise. This can aid in reducing problems and improving your health.

You are fortunate to have a supportive girlfriend. Be as open and honest about your situation. If she is the one meant to be with you, she will be with you throughout this. However, even if it never works out long term, look at is as a blessing to have the companionship of someone so special.

Count your blessings each day and stay focused on the positive!

Good luck to you!
Hello and :welcome:to the forum. Have you had any of your vitamin levels checked? If not I would ask you doc to get this sorted sooner rather than later. It is common for us chronies to be deficient in things like B12 (being low in this can lead to fatigue and also how your mood is....... )it could also be a vitamin deficiency that is contributing to the problem with your skin. Also ask the doc for your specific levels, do not settle for being told they are low/within normal limits and come back to us with these. David, one of the administrators here knows a fair bit about so hopefully he will perhaps be able to give some more info about this.

Other than that have a good nosy around the forum, especially the diet and sups forum, there is a nice lot of information here :)
Hello and Welcome. So glad that you decided to look for information and support here. What a gorgeous response from Mickey and others. Definitely get your B-12 and iron checked as soon as you can. Angrybird is so right, if they, or anything else, thyroid, etc., are low, it will greatly affect your energy and mood. I have Crohn's and B-12/iron levels are really important as they vary due to amount and area of Crohn's inflammation. B-12 and iron are often low in Crohn's patients. There are easy remedy's that are outpatient and good supplements you can start taking at home if you need to. You're smart and have a lot of good things going for you. Hang in there! Your situation will improve with time.
Welcome aboard. On the food topic, it seems everyone is different. My go to foods to get through a day are chicken noodle soup, crackers, bananas, noodles, odwalla protein drinks and ensure protein shakes. My biggest suggestion would be drink water constantly, and find what spices kill your gut. (basil gets me) slowly build up your list of "good" foods. Best of luck to you.
Hi there Tsiek, I'm so glad you've joined :) There are far too many people around your age on this forum going through pretty much what you're experiencing :( So yes, you've found your crowd.

I want to echo what the fine folks above said. Vitamin B12! Have you had your levels checked? If so, what are they? If not, get it done (and vitamin D and folate ;) )

And a little more echo... how's your diet?

Again, welcome! We're here for you anytime.