Diagnosed with Eye inflammation. Related to Crohn's?

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Mar 25, 2016
Hi, so today I was speaking to a eye doctor today about swelling of my eye. She says I have a condition of Blepharitis. Not sure if this is long term or temporary, but was told to wash eyelids with a lid wipe daily now. Worried what this says about Crohn's progression. Could this be that my Crohn's is getting worse? I'm only 19 and just curious and worried. I do have a lifestyle of using the computer often could this be related? Also, when I first experiencing this swelling it was after I was running outside. Could it be something simple as allergies? Could use any insight. Thanks.
I think uvitis (sp)? can be a crohns problem.Full blown crohns can affect all parts of the body,skin,teeth,eyes etc. BUT it doesn't happen to everyone,so don't spend your time worrying about things that haven't happened.
I'm sure there'll be someone along soon with more experience of these things than I am.

Best wishes.
There are a number of extra intestinal manifestations that can occur with CD. It's important to make sure you see specialists that are familiar with the EIMs that can occur with CD. My son sees an ophthalmologist for episcleritis that is an EIM of CD, so he gets annual and biannual follow-ups depending on how his eyes are doing. He also has annuals with a dermatologist and sees a rheumatologist regularly due to joint EIMS.

Here is a link I came across for eye EIMs of CD


It states:

Kalla et al discussed the clinical review of Crohn’s disease. (1) Ophthalmic manifestations have been reported to occur in up to 12% of patients with Crohn’s disease. (2) Episcleritis and uveitis, are well-recognised extra-intestinal manifestations, (3) nonspecific follicular conjunctivitis, blepharitis and lid swelling can also occur. (4) orbital myositis ( 5) and optic neuritis (6) are rare ocular complications. Treatment of intestinal inflammation, either medically or surgically, usually aids resolution of ophthalmic complications.(7) It is important to consider an ophthalmic evaluation when a patient with Crohn's disease presents with an eye symptom.
There are a number of extra intestinal manifestations that can occur with CD. It's important to make sure you see specialists that are familiar with the EIMs that can occur with CD. My son sees an ophthalmologist for episcleritis that is an EIM of CD, so he gets annual and biannual follow-ups depending on how his eyes are doing. He also has annuals with a dermatologist and sees a rheumatologist regularly due to joint EIMS.

Here is a link I came across for eye EIMs of CD


It states:

Thanks Clash,

I have spoken to a eye doctor with this. But have not spoken to a ophthalmologist yet. I was wondering if you would recommend visiting a ophthalmologist as well and how often. Also because of this one EIM I have like your son is doing, should I visit other specific doctors (dermatologist/rhemutalogist ) for preventive reasons?
Yes with CD, you should see an ophthalmologist not an optometrist. I would also try to find one that is familiar with the EIMs (extra intestinal manifestations) of CD.

C sees the ophthalmologist when his episcleritis is flaring but also goes annually for a full check up.

C started seeing a rheumatologist due to his joint pain. The GI kept saying that when we got his CD under control the joint pain would subside. Unfortunately, while some joint EIMs run concurrently with active CD flares others can run independently.

C sees the dermatologist because he is on humira and methotrexate so it's an annual appt just to do a check and make sure all is well.

If you have skin trouble or joint trouble than I would recommend finding specialists in those areas that are also familiar with the EIMs that can come with CD. But, I don't know that I'd set up an appt if you aren't having issues in those areas or are not on meds that can cause issues (like mtx with skin)
Almost everyone has blepharitis. It is not related to Crohn's at all. It's just an excess of oil at the eyelid that irritates the eye, and it's life long. I was actually just at my ophthalmologist yesterday (for Iritis, an actual Crohn's related condition) and he said it's super common. You just have to clean the eyelids every night before you go to bed.
I use this one - http://smile.amazon.com/OCUSOFT-SCRUB-FOAM-PLUS-Size/dp/B000Q8ISXM?ie=UTF8&keywords=eyelid%20cleaner&qid=1463245975&ref_=sr_1_9_a_it&sr=8-9
applied to a Q-tip around the lids/eyelashes and then followed up with the whole eye cleaning with a makeup triangle.
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Even though it occurs outaide of CD, blepharitis can be an extra intestinal manifestation of CD. See link above. There are other EIMs that are common in the non IBD population but do occur frequently with CD, like chronic conjunctivitis.

When my son's episcleritis is flaring the ophthalmologist does a full work up to make sure other EIMs are present such as iritis and uveitis.
I disagree. I know many Ophthalmologists and they say everyone has it. It has nothing to do with Crohn's. It's a part of eye hygiene.
I think it's a "it depends "
Ds had episcleritis twice once in April left eye
Once in right eye may .
Episcleritis can be associated with crohns flares ( his scopes were clean in May )
Turns out his was related to sweet syndrome flare and not crohns at all
So you can have EIM that are related to crohns flares but
Sometimes they appear just like any one who doesn't have crohns if that makes sense
I have blepharitis for the last 15 years, seen 3 eye doctors and 4 GIs and they almost all concluded that it is not related to Crohn inflammation. There are Crohns related eye conditions - Uveitis, see this link:

As stated earlier, blepharitis is due to the blockage of oil gland ducts, besides the scrubs, use a Hot Pack on your eyes (light microwave for 30 seconds), use plenty of lubricant eye drops. In some cases if it is infected use prescription eye drops (very expensive) and ointments (erythromycin or sulfacetamide).

Blepharitis can have several causes including staph or in my case seborric dandruff in my eye lids. I have also taken Doxycycline capsules to break the cycle of infection. If it gets worse it can become a chalazion (Stye in the eye)

Daily use of Hot Packs compresses and scrubs has kept it down for me.
Everyone is different. Eye inflammation is considered a Crohn's symptom just like arthritis, joint inflammation, psoriasis, stomatitis, and other various symptoms.
I had Iritis a few years ago and I was told it was related to crohns , I only had it once though and never want to have it again .