Did Antibiotics make me worse?

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May 22, 2013
I was put on Doxycycline for my Hidradentitis (an Extra-intestinal manifestation) but I think it made my gut so much more enflamed! I stopped taking it 2 days ago and my painful BM's are much less severe.

I have a follow up appt with the dermatologist that prescribed it. I was thinking of calling for a change but since my appt is in 3 weeks, I think it might be best to give it a rest.

It has helped my Hidradenitis but the cost is too much.

Has this happened to anyone else? It seems a reasonable conclusion.
Yes, any antibiotic can wreck havoc and you should have a probiotic a few hours after every antibiotic dose. Doxy users have been shown in studies to have higher rates of IBD.
My GI took me right off probiotics the first time I saw him because of the immunosuppressants I take. He said probiotics have been linked to causing endocarditis in people who are immune suppressed.
I was taking probiotics WITH the Doxy. Culturelle.
It was definitely the Doxy. I'm only slightly faring right now, a full week after stopping.

I have an apt with the Dermatologist (Doxy prescriber) in 3 weeks - 2 days before a GI appt.

She mentioned trying another one that starts with an L. Maybe Levofloxacin.