Difference between stricture and fissure

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Sep 8, 2010
Hey guys, I would really appreciate it if you could help explain this...
On this forum I've been reading a lot about anal fissures and strictures and hemmies, but I've never experienced any of that - so I can't really relate.

However around the anal area lately I've been having some tenderness and itchiness, and I don't really know how to identify/treat it...

What should I expect and how do I know if it a stricture or a fissure or whatever?
i dont know about the fissulers or anal fissulers but i can tell you about some hemmies. i deal with hemmies for a while that burn, itch and bleed whenthey get bad. i got internal hemmies which feels like small bumps just inside of the anus and if it get bright red blood even alot can come from hemmies. i treat my with prep h cooling gel and hemmi suppetirues, or rowasa enemas, or canasa supp.
The only thing I've had (thankfully) is a fissure. It definitely wasn't itchy or anything to start with - one day when I was having heaps of D it just split and it bled pretty bad every time I had a BM. I had it for probably a year before I made myself go to the doc (this was before I knew I had Crohn's) but it cleared up really quickly with a gel called Rectogesic (who names these things??!).

This doesn't sound like what you've got though...someone else might have a better idea of what it might be.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I can't 'feel' anything but it's definitely tender down there and like I said, itchy. I don't know, normally I wouldn't pay much attention, but now that I know I have Crohn's, I'm hyper aware of everything.
more on hemmies...

Hi Shanon,
Sorry to hear of your suffering.
I'm afraid it is all too common with IBD.
(no surprise, considering all the traffic back there)

Here is a link to a recent discussion on hemorrhoids:
It might be a bit tricky to search on them, as I see many spellings and misspellings online.

Supplement to my post #5 of the linked thread, narrowing causes
strictures, which are thickening of the tube that is intestine,
and effect how things are able to pass by and through.
If it proceeds to blockage, that can get dangerous fast and
requires a doctor urgently.

I hope you find some relief,
be well,
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:hug: Hiya Shannon, you're about my daughters age and I just wanted to send you a big hug.

Sorry I can't answer your questions. xxxxxxxx
Hiya Shannon

I have annoying hemmies too, from pushing out 2 children the size of a small country! (not thro me bum I hasten to add!)
I have 2 excellent creams from the doc, Daktacort and Canesten HC, both contain hydrocortisone, a topical steroid, works like Pred, and reduces inflammation, itchiness and swelling and pain.
hope you get some relief soon, they hurt like hell, and the itchiness can really do your head in!
Thanks! I got some preparation H and tucks wipes for the time being until I can get into the GI. The list of Crohn's related ailments never ends, does it! :p
i get some rectal itching and tenderness...and this is a little silly but until now i never thought that it could be due directly to crohn's. i always imagined it was due to frequent activity and wiping back there.

if the prepH helps, i would keep doing that. but i would join astra in also recommending steroid cream (aka hydrocortisone) to reduce inflammation and itching. actually it looks like there is some PrepH that also has hydrocortisone, is that the kind you are using?
Hi Shannon,

The itching rang a bell for me. One possibility to mention to your doctor is some kind of yeast infection. Prednisone suppresses the immune system (of course that's the point, to get the colitis under control) but it can leave you open to an infection. Topical hydrocortisone may only make it worse. Don't ask me how I know that. I would definitely ask your doctor about it -- from the appearance she might be able to decide what it's likely to be.

Sometimes I think we have to eductate our doctors in this "adventure" . . .

Best wishes!
Hey there sorry for the troubles. I get a lot of itchynesd and have been 'examined' twice recently without any concern from docs. However my rectal and anal are also happens to be majorly affected so Ive always passed it off as just the inflammation there.

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