Have you tried it again? Not sure what you know about enzymes or what was explained when you made your purchase. Does the product label supplemental fact box show the type of enzymes? after each type of enzyme there should be capital letters and the amount example: protease HUT 10,000 breaks down proteins, amylase DU 24,000 breaks down carbos, cellulase CU 2,000 fiber, lactase ALU 400 milk sugars,
there are digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes, Enzymes are practically the basis of life. If you do not have a particular enzyme you die. What I've read is the protease is one of the most important for healing wounds, start out taking a small amount. you can if using a capsule open and use less.
An enzyme has activity, this is seen as a number amount after the letter (ex. HUT 10,000) on the label. So maybe the activity was to high. I hope this helps