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Dec 12, 2010
Is anyone on disability due to their IBD? Just curious. I know if we could actually get some sort of help each month we wouldn't be living off of credit cards but there's no way I can work. I was denied due to me never making enough money. I haven't worked since 07. My 2nd child was born in 06, was DX with UC in 07 and between the kids (had my last baby just about 1 year ago) and my condition I can never work. I don't know if it's worth trying to find a lawyer and appeal my deniel.
What were you denied because you never made enough money?

Yes I receive SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for my Crohn's disease. You can contact your local Social Security office and ask them how or get the forms online. Having a lawyer does help and you don't have to pay them until they win your case. Most people are denied the first time they apply to weed out those who don't really need it but you have to reapply or appeal their decision. A letter from your doctor will also help but my lawyer got all of that stuff for me usually or would at least tell me what I needed to do.

They don't pay much but it pays the bills at least and with a little extra for food each month and it also comes with health insurance (free, no co-pays).

Here's the Social Security website. Winning your case takes time but don't get discouraged. http://www.ssa.gov/pgm/ssi.htm
They don't pay much but it pays the bills at least and with a little extra for food each month and it also comes with health insurance (free, no co-pays).

Here in the states if you get disability you're also eligible to get food stamps, so that should put a little more money in your pocket.
I never tried to get food stamps as well. I was told that I couldn't but that may not have been a valid source or maybe things have changed since I started getting SSI. I don't think I ever tried because of the social stigma of it. I really shouldn't care though. D:
the hospital started some paperwork and applications for state disablity, then yesterday gov gargoyle cut all health care and disability out of the budget to get even with voters for not approving her giant tax hikes...now I am going to have to get a lawyer and apply for SSI......
Thanks everyone. I had heard that they deny everyone at first and to get a lawyer but I wasn't sure if I should proceed. Yeah, I was told I never made enough money?!?! Weird. I've worked since I was 16 in retail until about 20, then mostly served, tended bar or did hair. But regardless I worked! Oh, and I was told my husband makes too much for me to get SSI. Not sure about all the rules with that but there's 5 of us living here off of just his income! We're REALLY struggling here too. Usually I can pick up odd jobs (usually paid under the table) doing hair, baking GF goods and stuff but haven't been able to do anything since I got out of the hospital back in April. We did the numbers and my husband makes $64 too much a month to get food stamps right now..ridiculous. BUT if I were put on disability things would change with all that. I also have no health insurance which is killing us. What if I don't win disability? Will I have to pay the lawyer?
Yes get a lawyer and appeal it and yes you can get food stamps if you qualify I did.
PS its alot of paperwork but it is worth it
Yeah, I was told I never made enough money?!?! Weird.

Whoever told you that probably just had a retard moment and meant something else like, either you or your husband makes too much money because that's a non issue.

Oh, and I was told my husband makes too much for me to get SSI.

Now this could be an issue but when you have 5 kids in this day and age, one income just isn't enough and this is where a lawyer comes into play. When you speak with your lawyer, tell them that you either applied once before or tried to and this is what you were told and they will tell you if they think its possible to win you case or not.

What if I don't win disability? Will I have to pay the lawyer?

This is something you should talk about with the lawyer. Generally lawyers don't take cases that they don't think they will win cause they want to get paid or some just like to stick it to the man (like mine did) and don't see huge dollar signs when people come into their office. I'd recommend my lawyer but I don't think you're on the central coast of California. :p I've heard that Binder and Binder do disability cases and there are many others out there as well. Call around. It doesn't hurt to ask these kinds of questions like their rate, a quote for your case, do they give discounts since you are disabled (SSI doesn't pay a lot so my lawyer lowered the amount for me. Cost me $850 for a little over a months worth of work I believe), do I still have to pay if my case isn't won, can I make payments to you rather than a full lump sum etc.
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I went to the social security disability website to make sure...
You earn "credits" when you work. If you do not have the "credits" from the past 10 years you can not draw disability but you may be eligible for SSI.

Go on the website and explore. It will help you understand when you talk with the attorney.

I am not able to work, and have been on SSD for the past two years. I had to get a lawyer. Like Wendy said above, you earn credits when you work. You can still possibly be eligible for SSI if you do not have enough credits. When I got approved though it states in the paperwork that if I get married that it may affect my disability benefits. Talking with a lawyer is free and you can show them all of the paperwork that you have, so that they can advise you what would work for you.
As far as the health insurance I get Medicare but there is a need to find supplemental insurance since they only cover 80% of the bills.
Thanks for all the info everyone! I have explored around the whole SS site and have found lots of info but I know having help from others, like you wonderful people, is priceless advice and help. I at least have the weekend to continue my research, too. I probaby can't get SSD but I should be able to get SSI. Now, thanks to you guys, I feel like I know what I should ask a lawyer at least too.

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