Disposable Wipes....

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
If any of you are like me, I use disposable wipes pretty much every day. Tonight, my husband and I saw on the news that unfortunately our disposable wipes aren't quite as disposable. Supposedly, they were talking about these wipes not breaking down well and getting clogged in the system. :poo:

I'm a bit at a loss of what to do since I know that I'm pretty sensitive using regular tp. Do any of you have any thoughts on this as far as what might be easier on the bottom as well as easier on our sewer systems? Thanks.
Personally I use wipes but then bin them. Just put a carrier bag or bin liner in your bathroom bin and make sure you have a bin with a lid.

I have heard of people keeping water bottles with sports caps next to the toilet so they can squirt water and rinse their bums.
I use baby wipes and put them in the trash. I empty the trash rather frequently because of doing IV hydration therapy at home so there is no time for a stink build up. I also keep cortisone cream and tripple antibiotic cream by the comode to doctor a sore bum as needed. I use soft kleenax to pat bum dry before putting cortisone cream or antibiotic cream on my bum.

I keep baby wipes in my car in a zip lock bag for quick wipe ups when needed. You could put some in your purse to carry with you where ever you go. Take zip lock sandwich bags to put the used ones in before disposing of them. It's the considerate thing to do when out in public or a friends home.
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I've always put used wipes in the trash can and I use them every time. I've never trusted them to be flushed.

Even now with the ostomy, I only pass mucus and still use wipes.
Thanks for your replies:) In some ways, sounds like getting a diaper genie and putting my girlie monthly things in there along with it might not be a bad idea (cutting down on the stink). What do you do if you're traveling for a few days though? Might get a little stinky if you're keeping the used items with you...
We have a sewage system(like yours) and the Preparation H Torable Irritation relief wipes as well as Tucks Cooling pads flush well and I haven't had an issue with it.

I have done what others mentioned(Just wrapping them up in toilet paper and toss them in the trash). I would reccomended getting a small trash can with a closable lid and put a trash bag inside. Then you can just toss the plastic trash bag when full.
Indeed. I just have a lid on my little metal trash can in the bathroom with a plastic bag inside (gotta have a liner). Smaller trash cans means less waste sitting around and the metal ones cut down on smell as well. Although I also buy soft toilet paper and do the first wipe with that then use the wet wipes.

If I'm at someone else's house then I just wrap it in toilet paper (I do the same thing with feminine supplies even when I'm at home, fiance doesn't need to see that. :p).
Ha ha Crabby, I do the same even though fiancé would never see it anyway in my house, he never puts the empty tp roll or bottles in the bin, he just leaves them lying around!
You can get little fragranced tie-handle bags for sanitary products, or slightly larger ones for nappies. These would be good for travelling.
Might try Dollar Tree for those fragranced bags. I got some a few years ago and sent them to my sister. She said she really liked them:) Plus, if Dollar Tree has them they'd be pretty cheap too!