cthomas said:Hi
Can someone tell me if narrowing will always need surgery this has been discovered on my last xray and my appointment to see doctor not until Sept so am a bit worried about this now could this be treated with medication?
Jacob_Miller12 said:I have been through a lot. I have had 3 surgerys and to tell you the truth no it does not! There is one more alternative. Ask you doctor if you can get a balloon fixture. I do not know the name of it but, what they do is everything like a colonoscopy, except its helping you in the long run! What ever narrows you may have that balloon will take it and stretch is so it go's back to normal size. It does not always work but for some it does! I hope this helped im glad to have tried anyways! Good Luck!
Shantel did you only have one surgery since you were diagnosed? My husband has Chron's and his doctor just scheduled him for a surgery because he said there is nothing else he can do for him. He is not vomiting though...and he is in a lot of pain, and some nights barely gets any sleep. I just see this surgery as the beginning of an end (a painful one), because the ******* will keep coming back and they'll keep cutting. I keep thinking that maybe he can delay this a little longer..but what do I know..I don't feel the physical pain...and I just don't know what to do to help.Shantel said:I am no doctor - but he may be telling you this because vomiting is a sign of blockage. When you have a narrowing that is that severe - and your stool gets backed up - you vomit. It's your body's way of saying "nope - too full here already - no more food please!". It puts you at risk for a perforation *I believe* - someone else who has had big time narrowing correct me if I'm wrong. So, if you vomit - they probably want to take a look and see if you have a blockage. I'd listen to them.
Sorry you are going through a rough spot! Surgery is not the end of the world buddy - sometimes it can mean all the difference in your quality of life.
Thank you SOOO much for replying so quickly. I will carry on with you through PMs because I don't want to bore everyone else.Shantel said:Hi Hana - and welcome to the forum! YES...I have been fortunate enough to only require 1 surgery so far, but have come close to an additional one about 6 or so years ago if memory serves me right. I'm going to speak frankly, and hopefully will not offend anyone - but this is my take on this disease. If you have had a simple flare that you were able to get under control say, with a round of steroids and the 5 ASA's seem to be keeping you under control - GREAT - lucky you! BUT...if you keep having flares over and over again - or you have just been diagnosed after *years* of active disease which has plundered a specific area or two of your gut - that kind of thing really needs to be handled with much more powerful drugs - or your quality of life is not going to be so great. I don't know the history with your husband. He may have been dealing with this undiagnosed for a while and have a spot so bad that it just NEEDS to come out for him to get a fresh start. That is EXACTLY what happened to me (search for my story under "your story" and you'll see - I've had it most of my life). When an area gets sooo diseased, especially if it is at risk for perforating - you just have to take that out. Now, yes - my disease comes back where I had my resection done - this is normal. I am just very aware of my body and how it behaves after "listening" to it for so long, and know when I have to pull the trigger and step it up with a different med or method to get it back under control.
OK - another long post from me - sorry guys!!! Hana - feel free to PM me anytime with questions!
cthomas said:Hi Guys
Got my new med's on wednesay only one 50mg tablet per day now of mercaptopurine they did mention side effects and i have blood tests each week now for a while but I have really bad joint pain mainly knees and elbows very sore throat and just generally dont feel well. has anyone else experienced this on this medication? I am going to give it a while not sure if this is just coinsidence at the moment would these side effects happen so quick? xx
cthomas said:Well after all the aches and pains finally went to er found out this was pancreitis caused by the medication so i'm off the mercaptopurine now and back on to the Asacol so once again have the stomach ache most days getting pretty fed up of this now my next appointment not till Feb so its a case of get on with it I think. Why does it feel like they dont care!!!!!!!! Hope everyone is ok. xxxx