Do the makers of Humira dislike

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Dec 4, 2011
I never registered due to privacy reasons but read this forum daily. My son set my homepage to google so I just google for crohn's disease forum and get here but now one of the ad results at the top of the page is for which I have accidentally clicked on a few times. It is made by Abbott who makes Humira and it tries to steer you to OTHER forums than

Do the makers of humira dislike you guys for some reason? Are you guys giving incorrect advice about humira or something?
Do the makers of humira dislike you guys for some reason? Are you guys giving incorrect advice about humira or something?

I thought this was kind of offensive. If by "incorrect advice about humira" you mean telling people it doesn't compare to running around in a field full of flowers like they want you to think then yes, I guess they don't like the advice we give. Is Humira effective? Yes, for some people it is, for me it wasn't. Does it hurt like a bitch? Yep.

I've learned more about crohns since joining this forum then any doctor has ever taught me and this forum gives a million times more support than any doctor will. We are the people that have to deal with crohn's, and we are the people that know what we have to go through. So we can't prescribe medicine, but I know I've told my doctor a few things before to prove him wrong when he could of given me medicine that could of messed me up.
I've had a read of the site you mention.

The list of drugs they talk of;
Antibiotics,5 Asa,Steroids,Immunosuppression,Biolgical i have found to be either useless
or have such dangerous side affects i had to stop taking them.(ie White blood cell count).
None of those drugs have ever given me remission.

As KWalker states i too have found Dr's to be very limited in their understanding of Crohn's.I've never met one Dr who understood all the symptoms Crohns gave me.

The people who post on here ,IMO, have the best understanding of all.
Hence,discussion on various alternative treatments as we all no that prescribed drugs do not put all Crohn's patients in remission.
Doesn't have anything to do with "us". Ads at the top of the page on Google are paid for by the advertisers. Key words, etc. bring them up. If you'll notice a tiny link that says, "Why these ads?", if you click on it Google tells you that the ads are based on your current search terms.

So you are actually the one bringing up the site, which Abbot is paying to have at the top of the page when anyone types in "Crohns". I'm pretty sure the makers of Humira don't "dislike" us, why would they? We are the ones using their products.
Yeah, SarahAnne.. You're right. If it weren't for us, they would be out of business! And personally I think they're product sucks! I have made it quite clear to my doctor that I will take surgery over going on Humira ever again. But like I said, its different for every person. There are lots of people on here who have had great success with Humira. And that's what doctors don't understand. Well it worked for the last guy, it must work for you. Doctors just like to play it safe sometimes and become gullible because companies test their deadly products on lab rats and note a difference.

I'm not saying I don't respect doctors, because I definately do. They go through all that school, and I have had a doctor who probably saved my life, but they're also are a few that just tend to stick to the book.

Humira won't cure crohns. Nothing will. Sometimes I wonder even if they don't want there to be a cure. (As bad as it sounds). We keep a lot of companies in business because of crohns. They're not stupid, they know what they're doing.

Sorry for the rant.
What Sarah said.. Google tracks what you search and then advertises things from paid advertisers on the top of your page that relate to what the software percieves to be your interests. I really do not believe they would dislike this forum. Why would they care? From my experience, Abbott has always seemed to truly care about their Humira patients, and I've seen evidence of it many times.
Are you guys giving incorrect advice about humira or something?

I would think that if you browse here daily as you say, you would see that we each give out own personal experience and information regarding Humira as well as all other meds and treatments. Nobody signs up on this website to maliciously spread lies...I'm just not clear why you, someone who has daily experience with this forum, would think "us guys" are trying to spread false information.
Also there are many forums about crohns. This isnt the only one, nor is it trying to be. There are no "us and them" feelings as we arent in any competition, this is just a place to talk. Im sure Abott feels exactly the same way - He just wants to help people.

Also Im not sure I follow you with the "not joining due to privacy issues" as there is no data held which could lead back to you, and you are free to fill in as much details about yourself as you want. (If you are worried about your IP address, then its too late as you have already checked out this website, although this will only give the area you are from)
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