Do you ever sleep or ever have a normal bowel movement?!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 21, 2017

This might be a weird question so here it goes.

If I have a bowel movement before bed, I essentially sleep through the night. Might get up 1 time to go pee.

If I do not go before bed, I pee all night long. Up down, up down, up down, etc. When I go pee, I pass a lot of gas. Think its the one main reason why I go pee is to release the pressure. The more I pee at night, the more likely I will have diarrhea in the am. Pee three times at night might have a slight upset stomach in the morning whereas if I get up six times, I am going to for sure have diarrhea upon waking. I do not drink water before bed or throughout the night.

Does anyone have problems with sleeping? Any unusual symptoms and if so how do you cope?

Also, do you ever have a normal bowel movement? I feel like more often then not my stools are always loose.
I am in remission and I only have one solid normal bowel movement per day. I typically go right after I get out of bed in the morning. However, I had a flare earlier this year, and I am currently tapering off prednisone, so hopefully this remission will continue.

When I was flaring, I would wake up at least once during the night and I wouldn't have diarrhea, but I would get cramps and pass a lot of gas. I did lose at least an hour of sleep at night, and my one solution was that I tried to get to bed an hour earlier to help compensate for my sleep loss. Also, a heating pad was also very comfortable for the cramps.