Do you feel worse in the morning?

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Sep 10, 2011
I certainly used to feel significantly worse in the morning and I have noticed a few other comments to the same effect, anyone know why this might be the case? Two possibilities I can think of are hormonal changes that occur during sleep (cortisol levels?) and the fact that our bodies are horizontal for a long period of time.
Thats very interesting,

For me, morning is difficult. Actually, it never used to be, but, now is. I don't know why. But, I do believe laying in the horizontal position would have an impact for sure!!
OMG YES! I am sick practically every morning, and it takes awhile to get going and function. Nauseous, shaky, headache, achey all over.
Mornings are bad. Body aches all over and extreme ankle pain. When I was out of work I would sleep til 1 or 2 pm....and my body responded better to the "slow start".
Mornings are my worst. Lately, I have been waking up soaking wet from sweating and I cramp in the mornings. But my stomach usually isn't as big in the morning. But evening, I am about 2, 3 sizes bigger.
I've started setting my alarm an hour earlier in the morning so I can adjust before leaving for work, mornings are always bad for me
Mornings are the worst! I wake up with body aches and nausea. It takes me several hours to get moving.
Yes, wake up aching and it takes me a while to get going. But i find if i go out for a gentle walk, the aches ease off and get better as the day goes on unless i over do it. Battling IBD and CFS after a virus. Nightmare!
I second that. I almost never have a bowel movement after 3pm, but I usually have 4-6 before noon. But the bloatedness and discomfort is worse in the evening.
Opposite for me. I feel fine in the morning - like my innards have rested along with me. It's as the day wears on and the system starts working (digesting, being awake, etc) that I encounter the pain.
Opposite for me. I feel fine in the morning - like my innards have rested along with me. It's as the day wears on and the system starts working (digesting, being awake, etc) that I encounter the pain.
I need at least an hour in the morning to pull myself together, but then Im good until I start eating, and digesting, and the day wears on and I start to feel like I am ready for the day to end! I guess Im good from 8am until 4 pm. After that Im done!! That is 8 good hours a day.
I feel horrible in the morning and then again in the evening/night time, and it sucks!! I think I feel worse in the evening I guess just from food during the day wanting to torture me. Gas and stomach pain is always the worst at night. yuck
night is usually worse for my guts but morning is definitly worse for the rest of my body, I'm like a 90 year old granny when I get out of bed it really is quite pathetic, takes me a while to straighten myself out and walk in an upright fashion!
I find I have to go every morning (first time isn't bad) and then it is followed up by a couple of looser movements. Feel better after that - may go again late afternoon. Evenings are fine for me. I dream of waking up having a good solid crap and go about the rest of the day without pain, cramps, grumbling, gas or something else creeping out of of me :).
Mornings are worst due to soreness and pain all over. Once I get moving and have a good hot shower I feel better. It doesn't help that my weekday mornings can start at 3 am in order to get to work for 4 am sometimes!!!
Even "normal" people go to the bathroom more in the morning. I think it's just a long period (the night) where your body has nothing better to do than digest. :p

As for me, when my arthritis was bad it was usually fine when I woke up in the morning and crippling by the end of the day. No idea why.
i go more in the morning, but if having a bad day is always worse late afternoon. it's like after being up and about i have more "pressure" on my butt. course, mine's in the rectal area, so could be that.
I'm always more sick in the morning. Takes about 15 minutes or half an hour for it to hit but when it does...

Even though I have been feeling great with Remicade I still get it in the morning.

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