Do you have problems with flu shots?

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Mar 3, 2012
Just wondering if any of you, on immune suppressants like prednisone and azath, have any complications with flu shots.
Had one yesterday, and my ears are blocked and I feel foggy, like a flu coming on. Just drinking lemon tea and hope it isn't, because I have a slight cough, and my last cold/flu was horrid. Constantly tired, foggy, unwell, and an array of other probs thanks to prednisone.

Do you guys have worse flu symptoms on immune suppressants???
I got worse than flu symptoms, I ended up twice to IU from shots (cold+pneumonia shot / meningitis shot). I was on prednisone and cyclophosphamide when they gave me those but they never said it was linked... never were they able to tell me what the heck was happening either. For both of these shots within 24-48 hours from the shot I would start running an intense fever, puke suddenly and insanely up to blood and have real low BP. I kinda mimicked the symptoms of meningitis when I got the meningitis shot (ie; skin marks and intense headache). One thing I can say is that they told me not to get shots after these events...
I did get some later on, when I was not on any medication and I reacted properly so I assume there was something to do with the fact I was immunodeficient at the time...
I thought it had to be linked to my prednisone intake, because of the last flu I had, on Pred, just being so unwell. My doc didn't really say much about being on Pred and that it could have more adverse side effects, but the Pred has given me so many varied side effects, that I just thought if I get the flu shot again, it shouldnt be while on prednisone. Your response confirms this. Thank you :)