Just wondering if any of you, on immune suppressants like prednisone and azath, have any complications with flu shots.
Had one yesterday, and my ears are blocked and I feel foggy, like a flu coming on. Just drinking lemon tea and hope it isn't, because I have a slight cough, and my last cold/flu was horrid. Constantly tired, foggy, unwell, and an array of other probs thanks to prednisone.
Do you guys have worse flu symptoms on immune suppressants???
Had one yesterday, and my ears are blocked and I feel foggy, like a flu coming on. Just drinking lemon tea and hope it isn't, because I have a slight cough, and my last cold/flu was horrid. Constantly tired, foggy, unwell, and an array of other probs thanks to prednisone.
Do you guys have worse flu symptoms on immune suppressants???