Is this biopsy enough for an official Crohns diagnosis?

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Jan 21, 2025
Just got the biopsy results back. Colonscopy showed aphtous ulcers (didnt say with inflammation) in ileum. And a continous inflammation in colon and rectum along with erosions.

These are the biospy results.

1- Ileal mucosa within normal limits. (Ileum biopsy)

2- Minimally inflamed colonic mucosa with scattered, non-necrotizing epithelioid granulomas. (Ascending colon and cecum biopsy)

3- Minimally active follicular colitis. (Left and tranverse colon biopsy)

4- Moderately active colitis with a few questionable microgranulomas. (Sigmoid and rectum biopsies)


  • No dysplasia seen.
  • Crohn disease should be excluded in first place.

Is this a death sentence? Ive no idea what to expect im new to all this. I will be going to a gastroenterologist next week.

Important (ig): No one in my family has Crohns. Not on my moms side or dads side. But on my dads side, we have Behcets disease. Which also causes inflammation.
But not Crohns. Ive no idea where this came from.

symptoms: loose BMs tho sometimes good. (1 BM a day)


Sometimes mild abdominal pain.

Epescleritis (i think, not diagnosed)

I had blood in toilet water once (whichs why i got the colonscopy in the first place), its good now, stopped happening.

Thats probably it.

Im mostly normal. Like 95% of the time i pretty much am in a decent shape.

No fatigue.

I actually gained 5kgs in last month and a half.

Blood work good. No anemia.

Calprotectin: 442.

CT will be done in feb.
Appointment to gastro this month on the 28th.

Ive no idea what to expect. I sure hope to God its not Crohns. But if it is, what kind of treatmrnt should i ask the gastro to put me on guys. I heard biologics have cancer risk.
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