Do you think I have Crohn's?

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Sep 13, 2010
I am a 35 yo female with ongoing abdo symptoms for the past three years. It all seemed to start after the birth of my first child. It started with lower left abdo pain which I kept thinking was gynecological. Had it checked with gyne and it was not. I began to develop a sore abdomen which at times was rock solid hard behind the navel area. I had diarrhea for a number of weeks - but then it ceased and was more like constipation.

For the last year or so my bowel movements have been somewhat normal, but every 6-8 weeks I have what I call a 'blow-out'. I get very bloated and then have extremely painful diarrhea all within about 90 minutes. It sometimes includes blood and mucus. The last time I had an attack I had a fever of 102F for about 8 hours. Very strange. The pain after the attack lasts for about 3 or 4 days. It feels as though I have been kicked in my stomach and it is bruised from the inside out. The way I relate it is to the feeling of having surgery done inside my abdomen. It is that sore afterwards.

In between attacks my stool has been somewhat normal, however I often get quite a bit of pain in my upper epigastric region when I try to push a bowel movement out. Even the slightest pushing can cause pain.

I have a slightly upset/gassy/acidic feeling stomach 24/7. I have just learned to live with it. In the mornings upon waking I have excess gas and tend to have a fair bit of discomfort in the abdomen and pass a bunch of air.

I have been tested for celiac and the blood test was negative. I have multiple members of my extended family with confirmed celiac diagnoses.

Just a few days ago I had a colonoscopy which revealed a normal colon; however, the small bowel had three small ulcers! I have to wait until the end of November to see my physician to get more details and the results of the biopsy she took during the colonoscopy.

Anyways, I have been looking online and small bowel ulcers seem to point to Crohn's and I seem to have some of the other symptoms as well. I am hoping it is not Crohn's. However, I am realisitic in my expectations.

For those of you reading this, do you think I fit into the Crohn's category?
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It definitely could be CD. It could also be any number of things including something as simple as "just ulcers". The problem with a diagnosis of Crohns is that it can take multiple tests that the doctor will do after he forms a differential from your symptom list. Also there are many different symptoms and no "text book" case of the disease. I really wish that I could be more help but there are a tremendous amount of people on this forum that will be able to get you alot more information than myself. As I said earlier if you have many of the symptoms it is likely that it could be CD but it could always be something else
Hi Troubledtummy
and welcome

It certainly fits, but to be honest, Crohn's is very hard to diagnose. Hopefully the biopsies will reveal what this is, if it is Crohn's then at least you know what you're dealing with and get appropriate meds.
In the meantime, have a read thro our sections on diet, the low residue diet could help you whilst you're waiting for results. This diet will give your bowels a rest and reduce gas, air and bloat, as well as diarrhea. This diet always works for me!
glad you found us, lots of support here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome TT.. very well could be Crohns, Crohns colitis or Ulcerative colitis, and as Astra says, it can be a very hard disease to diagnosed. Colonscopies do tell more of the story with biopsies. Let us know what tests you are taking. Good luck.
Hi Troubledtummy and :welcome:

I agree with the what the others have said. It's a bugger that it's difficult to diagnose and the symptoms are so many and varied, but at least you are on the way to finding out! Why do you have wait so long for the results?

This is a great place with loads of support and info, so have a browse through the forums and if you have any questions just fire away. Welcome aboard!

All the best. :)
Hi TT, with the sporadic manifestations of symptoms you have, you should keep a journal to show the doctors. On our forums Wiki, you will find a detailed description of what such a journal should include. Here is the link to the article:

Good luck!! I hope you have some firm answers soon!!
I am a 35 yo female with ongoing abdo symptoms for the past three years. It all seemed to start after the birth of my first child. It started with lower left abdo pain which I kept thinking was gynecological. Had it checked with gyne and it was not. I began to develop a sore abdomen which at times was rock solid hard behind the navel area. I had diarrhea for a number of weeks - but then it ceased and was more like constipation.

For the last year or so my bowel movements have been somewhat normal, but every 6-8 weeks I have what I call a 'blow-out'. I get very bloated and then have extremely painful diarrhea all within about 90 minutes. It sometimes includes blood and mucus. The last time I had an attack I had a fever of 102F for about 8 hours. Very strange. The pain after the attack lasts for about 3 or 4 days. It feels as though I have been kicked in my stomach and it is bruised from the inside out. The way I relate it is to the feeling of having surgery done inside my abdomen. It is that sore afterwards.

In between attacks my stool has been somewhat normal, however I often get quite a bit of pain in my upper epigastric region when I try to push a bowel movement out. Even the slightest pushing can cause pain.

I have a slightly upset/gassy/acidic feeling stomach 24/7. I have just learned to live with it. In the mornings upon waking I have excess gas and tend to have a fair bit of discomfort in the abdomen and pass a bunch of air.

I have been tested for celiac and the blood test was negative. I have multiple members of my extended family with confirmed celiac diagnoses.

Anyways, I have been looking online and small bowel ulcers seem to point to Crohn's and I seem to have some of the other symptoms as well. I am hoping it is not Crohn's. However, I am realisitic in my expectations.

For those of you reading this, do you think I fit into the Crohn's category?

Wow I must say what a coincidence, I write articles for this one website regarding Celiac Disease. In my articles I will include detailed information regarding the disease, make sure the doctors are looking for the right diagnosis, here is one of my articles which may be of some help to you.

Make sure you were eating gluten during the test, and the lab accurately checked for alpha and beta subunits.

It sounds like Celiac, although I am not quite positive.
