Doctor is recommending Humira...

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Apr 25, 2011
Feel like I'm in my first "real" flare. In about two months I've gone from 220lbs to 185lbs because of not being able to eating and vomiting. I was admitted to the hospital for 6 days (abscess and fistulas) and was put on Cipro and Flagyl via IV and it was great. Felt awesome for about 10 days. Then the back to the severe pain (probably the worst I've ever felt, felt like I had a knife in my belly button) and nausea after eating started up again. I was put back on Cipro and Flagyl tablets and have good days and bad days. Can hardly sleep due to the anxiety and stress.

I feel like it has gotten so bad nothing can help though. Has Humira worked miracles for anyone?
I was on Humira during my last flare and it put me into remission within the first month, I did not experience any of the listed side affects from it other than my immune system being compromised. I think I was taking flagyl and prednisone in conjuction with it but I am not positive, it was over 3 years ago. I hope you find relief soon!
Greetings, fellow Rhode Islander!! I can't speak to Humira, but I've heard that it has indeed worked extremely well for some people with Crohn's. My case is considered "mild," but if I were to have a more moderate/severe case, I might consider it as a treatment option. I actually have a buddy who is on it now, and it seems to work fairly well for him; he previously tried Imuram, but it made him sick. Please keep us posted on what you are planning on doing, and I hope you start feeling better soon no matter what you decide!
I have been on Humira 2 different times now. The first time it had my flare under control in about 4 weeks. I'm on it again after being off of it for a year and it took about twice as long to get things under control. Humira has helped a lot of people, but if it doesn't help you there is also Remicade & Cimzia which have worked for some people who have failed Humira. If I were you I would give it a try because it sounds as though you need relief from this flare. Hope you get to feeling better soon.