Doctors objections

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Sep 23, 2009
I asked a doctor about LDN and he said he thought it was bogus. He said the studies are small and that patients continued taking their regular IBD meds. He also said if there were promise in it the NIH would support more trials and funding.

The fact that a doctor is saying no makes me want to try it more. They are so stuck in a scientific framework and caught up in the red tape of the medical beuracracy.
I'm currently on LDN. It does seem to HELP but it's not a miracle drug. My question for your doc is what's the harm? It has NO side effects.
Hi again NoGutsNoGlory....I do love your reasoning. You are so right to question everything about this whole darned medical paridigm that we find ourselves in these days. It is totally run by BigPharma and they are making billions on people that take pharmaceuticals. I am just so thankful that I have been able to get a prescription for a drug that costs me a whole $20.00 a month to have compounded so I don't even have to use insurance to cover it. I have MS and MS drugs are thousands per month. Not to me but insurance so what does that mean?...we are all supporting these money hungry BigPharma pigs...sorry, just thinking about this whole situation just gets my blood boiling. Oh and did I mention those drugs don't really work long term.
Anyway, side effects??? Been taking LDN for, well it's about 10 years now and nothing in the way of effects for me. I do love knowing that this is a drug that many very intelligent people are taking to ward off cancers that tend to run in their families. We are only taking 4.5 mg of a drug that was FDA approved at a dose of 50 mg so I like that too. In the early days it was rough to even get a doc to consider this but now it seems a lot easier. Even Dr. Mercola put out a piece in one of his newsletters about LDN.
I want to tell you that about a year ago I went to a doctor specifically to see about continuing on with the LDN after my current doc retired. Well when I showed a the office I knew they were "LDN friendly" and the young man working at the front desk asked me what I would be taking the LDN for. I told him MS and he said that he was actually taking it for his Crohn's and seemed quite happy with how it was helping him.