Doctor's office vent...

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May 23, 2011
So I discussed MR enterography more than once with the head of MRI at the hospital I do per diem at. He has never done one before but has been reading up on it a bit (he also has Crohn's).
Today, he calls me and tells me that he has discussed it with the head radiologist and would love to try doing one for Izz. He has read up even more on the procedure and tells me that if for some reason the test is not great diagnostically they won't charge us for it so we are free to have it repeated elsewhere.
The pros are that I know literally everyone that works there (I work per diem in x-ray) and we will be treated like gold. I will be super comfortable, as will my daughter.
The cons? Obviously, the possibility of a less than great diagnostic study.
So I tell Craig that I will discuss it with my md and see if there is something specific they do that our hospital can't offer.
When I call, my nurse tells me that it isn't a good idea. When I ask her why, she says "Well, they have never done it". I asked her how she thought the hospital she recommended learned how to do it.
Izzi's dad gives me the obvious ironic answer...
Our doc's office put in their SECOND ng tube ever on Izzi (which they told us after the fact) At least the hospital is being honest and upfront about never doing it before :)
I am free to get my testing done wherever I want, as long as it is a facility that my insurance company approves. I am so frustrated that this nurse, although she is super nice, has the brass to tell me what is the best for my kid. Last I checked, that was MY decision.
Rambling and long...sorry. Never ending roller coaster is right, although sometimes the uphill battles seem particularly long!
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Nice or not I would tell her to walk a mile in my shoes before she passes judgement

Are you going ahead with the test at your hospital? I would. :)

Good luck and keep let us know what you decide. Most of all :hang: you're doing fab!

Dusty. xxx
Well, the usual risks. It involves an injection and drinking contrast (which I am told most people vomit up if they can get it is disgusting...good thing for our ng tube :)) I double checked with her dad to be sure he doesn't mind if she is the first and he is fine with it, so I think we will go ahead with it.
I actually called the insurance company, as we are awaiting approval according to our docs office, who tells me that they have not even gotten a phone call regarding pre-approval. Guess I'll be calling the docs office again tomorrow.

It may be time for us to move on. I like our doc but his office staff is giving me a friggin ulcer.
Well, them and the red wine ;)
It does get tiring some days. And I'm all about a home hospital!!!!

Keep us posted.

Love & prayers,

Don't you just love negative people!!! They love putting those little speed bumps in your way! I, too, wouldn't hesitate going to the hospital. As far as I know, there are no risks with MREs so why not try???

Stephen is going for his first MRE on Monday and will be ingesting the contrast by NG tube. There is no way he would manage to drink it!! He had an absolutely horrible time with just the colonoscopy prep - nausea, vomiting, cramps for 13 hours! :( And the doctor kept ordering that he drink more! By 2am the nurses felt so sorry for him, they told the doctor that he could come continue the prep himself if he wanted, that they wouldn't give Stephen any more! :eek2:

I'll let you know how the MRE goes with the NG tube...
I'm feeling a wee bit guilty about something... :devil: I'm actually sending my husband with Stephen on Monday!!! I've gone to ALL the other appointments, and with all the other issues I have going on, I've missed soooo much work, so I told my husband that he had to take this appointment as it was just a test. This was before I knew the effects of the contrast... but... haven't warned my husband yet! oops :lol2:
I'm sure it will go fine. It must be tough to balance work and Stephen's needs...and I'm sure your husband can handle it, puke or no ;)
I have been a SAHM for 3 years (I work per diem) and start back full time soon. While I am working an overnight 7 on 7 off and she will be with her dad while I am working I still have concerns that I can care for her, work, and take care of myself. (Oh, and her poor, neglected little brother). I *am* looking forward to financial considerations of working again...after paying off my bills, that is lol!
Wishing Stephen the best of luck!!
Garrison had an MRE about a year ago and had no problems with the contrast. He did not enjoy the taste and he did get a bit nauseous, but never to the point of throwing up. He has another one next week and is not worried about it at all. I hope it goes as easy for Izzi and Stephen.

Take care,

Seems the squeaky wheel gets the grease...called yesterday to inquire why I haven't heard anything and after telling me "these things take time[a week?! really?!?] I received a phone call today that our MRI is scheduled at the hospital of my choice in 2 weeks. :)
Hate being witchy but it seems it is the only way things get done. *shrug*
The squeaky wheel does indeed get the oil so keep squeaking away Angie! Shouldn't be that way but unfortunately it is...welcome to the coven! :ybiggrin:

Dusty. xxx
Caitlyn has done several of these MRI's now. The contrast is not so bad she has not had any problems drinking it. Make sure they instructed you not to give her food for 4hrs prior to the procedure and something to eat immedicatly after as their blood sugar can drop from it. That's about it. Do they have a video player in the MRI? Caitlyn gets to watch a movie during it. She is having another one this Thursday.
No, we were instructed that there was no prep *roll eyes*, although I will be calling before we go to get the rest of the details. I need to find out about the oral contrast so I can get her used to how fast it will go in with her pump. No videos at our facility...what a great idea!
Izzi had a Remi infusion today so I stalked her doc after our appt to discuss my issues with him. I feel better after talking to him and apologized for being a PITA, which he kindly argued with me about. :) *love* that I can drop in and see him (I was in the waiting room less than 5 minutes when he waved me back) whenever we are there and he always makes time for us.
That's great that you have that kind of relationship with her doc Angie! You're no PITA, you're an advocate extraordinaire:)!!
Stephen had his MRI - prep wasn't too bad. Drank the contrast (didn't even need the NG tube) and felt fine throughout. However, isn't feeling too well right now. Feels nauseated, some stomach pain, D and pain from fissures. I'm hoping all will be better by tomorrow.
Glad everything went well. I imagine Stephen will be feeling much better tomorrow. Let us know the results.

Angie, if we weren't a PITA then we wouldn't be doing our jobs! LOL

Take care,
I am so glad Stephens went well...I have heard the contrast can cause nausea. :( Hope he's feeling better soon and hoping the results are great!

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