Doctors/pregnancy, saved by breastfeeding...till it ended

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Aug 15, 2010
doctors/pregnancy, saved by breastfeeding...till it ended

As a baby i was weaned at 2 months onto food and forcebly potty trained at 6 months, throughout my life fed mainly on junk food and ready meals. I've had problems with my stomach and bowells al my life but it was always said to be IBS, no medication, no cure! I battled through with really bad episodes throughout my teens, still nothing from doctors. At 21 I had my first child, no problems during pregnancy, breastfed for 2 years. When I stopped B/F it felt like my stomach had shut down. i couldn't eat as I always felt full and was sick whenever i ate anything. I ended up in hospital, was given enemas after a week sent home no further investigation although I did pester! Age 28 pregnant again fine till last trimester, strated with extreme pain, D, and a lot of blood loss, I went to doctor who told me it was pregnancy problems, 5 visits later still same, ended up rushed to A&E where I needed 5 pints of blood! was in hospital most of last trimestyer and on concoction of drugs and steroids. Threatened C-section so they could perform colonoscopy but I begged not to. Diagnosis was put down as ulcerative colitis, I'd never herad of that or crohns so I went with it. after daughter born and started feeding I went into remission and needed no medication at all. 2 years later and to present day, stopped feeding, again repeat of symptoms, pain, D, Blood, feeling sick, wind, bloating... put on pentasa, salofak and steroids, steroids slowly dropped ,almost back to normal but still stuck on meds and keep having flare-ups, if I eat certain foods, in particular ready meals, jars of sauces and anything with lots of e numbers, also stress. at this moment having bad flare-up. Am wondering whether i have crohns instead of UC due to the other sypmtoms? I don't think the meds I'm on are working.
Hi Donna welcome!! I can't imagine how one would forcibly potty train a 6 mo old!! There is a lot of info in the food and diet section and the treatment section. Hope you find some relief soon. Good luck!!
Hi Donna and :welcome:

It's good to see you found your way here. You have certainly had your ups and downs over the years. So have you ever had testing done to confirm your diagnosis of UC? If not perhaps that should be your next step so at least you have some idea of what you are dealing with and the severity of it. When is your next visit to the GI?

This is a safe and friendly place to hang out so stick around and browse the forums and any questions just ask away.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Donna
and welcome fellow Brit

I think it's time to go back to gastro and talk thro some other options, you say you're off the steroids? only on Pentasa? this is a mild prophylactic, no good if you're flaring, good to maintain and prevent tho.
My friend has UC, she bleeds a lot, she's just been approved Remicade, maybe you could ask about one of these biologics?
have a look for the low residue diet here on the forum, this works for me, it gives your bowels a rest during a flare.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Donna :welcome: . I see you have had some support here! I read your diet prior to getting UC and ready made and sugar is a nightmare for Crohns or UC. CD or UC doenst have different pain levels it is depending on where your pain is or the severity of the disease. Most women do well when they are pregnant which leaves me to believe that hormones do play a role.

Prednisone works great is one of the worse drugs, cheap and works great but the price to pay is many. It robs your body of Calcium and most people get heartburn from it and take Nexium, another bone loss drug. My sister has Crohns colitis and bleeds, I have Crohns and dont bleed, so even in families they run differently. I drank milk she didnt, and she ate spicy foods and I didnt.

As Joan says being on the right meds do help. Avoid dairy, wheat, alcohol, Nsaids (and Ibuprophen) and take Calcium and Vitamin D3 with Magnesium. Prednisone can also bring on Diabetes risks as well so what your diet.

Glad you are here, hope you get on the right meds, always get your blood work checked. Our bodies dont absorb nutrients like it should. Good luck!
I changed my diet to only using fresh local and organic produce a year before my major flare-up. My diet is now quite good and i find that if i have a lapse and eat something processed or ready meals I have symptoms. i had cameras up a couple of times at different point during flare-ups which diagnosed UC, but I think they just going on that and noit taking past symptoms and problems into account.i nevere see a doctor just the IBD nurse.
It could be a good idea for you to see a Gastroenologist, not a nurse or Internist, the gastro's are the ones who specialize in Crohns and IBD. Tyneside is where?