Does any one have thoughts on this clinical trial

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This is a great trial, more and more evidence is pointing to map as being the cause of crohns in susceptible individuals, and luckily this trial has now amended their selection criteria to include people w mod-severe cd currently on humira and remicade, they're also implementing a map test soon which just got Fda approval to be added into the trial.

There are a few people on here on the trial, I will say though that you can actually get the meds they use in the trial open label if you go see dr will chamberlain, that way you can avoid the chances of getting placebo. All and all though my thoughts on this is that it is a very effective medication for a lot of people and it has given a lot of people their lives back. I will tag philn, he posted a lovely video of his experience with anti-map. I should also mention that it is my opinion that anti-map should be used before any of the other biologics, I.e stelara and envytio as despite what some doctors say, it actually has demonstrated one of the highest remission rates to date. Anyway, bless you, hope you heal soon.