Does anyone else do anything "natural"?

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Nov 20, 2009
Hi everyone,

So I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried, or is currently trying any natural treatments for their disease? I currently am not taking any meds.

I've been taking boswellia (frankincense) for a while, it was working nicely in the beginning but I'm not sure if it's having a lasting effect. I've just started taking some devil's claw and cat's claw, too. I have no idea how long these take to work, but I'm hoping they'll start doing something soon (only been taking for about 5 days).

I also take slippery elm and psyllium husk to help control the diarrhea. It works but I think I may need to up my dose (to get a better formed stool). My electrolytes have improved (even though they were normal anyway) and bowel movements are regular now. I usually only need to go once or twice a day. I find it hard to figure out what's normal for me, 'cause I have a lot of health anxiety, which upsets the bowels and can cause quite loose movements. Some days they are formed and other times they're not.

Also, since beginning the "herbal" routine around 4 months ago I have gained nearly 2 stone in weight (I was 8 stone 9 lbs, now 10 stone 6 lbs). Weight gain seems to be at my leisure, depending on how much I want to eat really.Hopefully this will last!

Full blood count has been improving monthly, too. Hemoglobin count is now up to 12, which is up from 11.6 last time and at the beginning it was 10.4.

The only downside to all this is my CRP is 75! Which means my disease is pretty active... I sure hope these herbs do something soon. I think I'm also going to try white willow, which is apparently ery similar to aspirin but it doesn't cause the same side effects and doesn't cause stomach upset.

Thoughts and opinions welcomed :D.
I am doing the allopathic route and that doesn't tend to mix very well with naturopathic stuff. My GI told me in the very beginning not to put anything in my mouth (over the counter/natural) that I didn't run by her first. She doesn't want to treat me with meds and then have to worry if I'm taking something that might react with them or make me worse. So.....that is where I am.
Peaches is right if you are doing the Natural thing, it is best to see a Dr of Naturalpathic remedies. Even if you are on otc or drugs, you should let your druggest/pharmactist know, mixing stuff can sometimes cause more damage than good. I am on Very high probiotics, along with the odd antibiotic when I flare. Just be careful ok?
Hmmm, that's funny...

My gastro basically told me that it is unscientific, unproven and that he doesn't believe in it. He also said if I want to try it, that's fine. He said he doesn't think it would interfere with anything. Also since I'm not taking drugs there are no interactions, but even so, there are relatively few contrindications for herbal stuff.
That is funny my Gi was the one who recommended I try VSL because others are doing so well. I am happy I am not on major drugs, but having Crohns over 30 years I have been the best in a very long time! Cheers.
I always wonder how natural something really is once it has been converted to a powder or into pill form....I think alternative is another way to describe it.

If it is working for you I say yeah! There are a few other people who have had much success with non-traditional treatments.
I use....

bee propolis caps 500mg one cap twice/day
omegas 369 caps one cap twice/day
probiotics 10 billion cfu once/day
vitamins C-calcium ascorbate (easy on the gut) and vitamin A each once/day
Prodiem fibre supplement one cap before bed
I've also altered my diet (no junky stuff at all, processed, fast-foods, refined sugars, ect) and exercise regularly.
I went from 30+ bloody BM's/day with lots of lower back pain to an average of 5/day no bleeding no back pain and completely formed stools, still have severe urgency issues.

I drink chamomile tea, only 100% pure fruit juices like "simply orange" or fresh pineapple juice, neither are from concentrate or have any added sugar or anything...and lots of water.

My Gastro is 100% behind the "naturals" I use, he says as long as it helps stick with it cuz the goal is to feel better no matter what it is that's helping.

Mmm, just clarifying - I'm all about trying anything and everything, and if it works for you - great! I just meant that since I'm on prescription meds - my doc doesn't want me to mix much herbal stuff with it. Herbs or medicinal right? I mean, they obviously do something - or they wouldn't be effective at treating your disease. So - just like you can have drug interactions between two drugs, I don't see why you couldn't have interactions between a pharmaceutical drug and an herbal OTC "drug". Hope that makes sense.
Some things are safe to take with RX, take bee propolis for example (so long as you're not allergic to bees) it's 100% non-toxic (as my GI pointed out to me even though I already knew that) so it's safe and doesn't interact with oral RX, he put me on pred after I told him I was taking bee propolis, he hoped that the 2 combined would put me in full remission...unfortunately pred stopped working for me so it didn't work, he was so disapointed (as was I) but told me to keep on with the propolis daily and indefinitely so long as it's helping some (and same with the other stuff I take).

But definitely you have to do your homework to be sure that you don't take any naturals with your RX that may interact with one another.

Even with fibre supplements, you shouldn't take them the same time you take your asacol for example...spread the time between the 2 apart from one another.

Even when we dont realize it, but I checked with my pharmacist to make sure since I am on Flagyl ( no alcohol when taking it) and I still have some chest congestion to take anit phelgm and chest cold stuff and she said will make you sick, really sick. So if I didnt know this prior I would of been praying to the porcelain God... I hate vomiting...but who does.
Cats Claw is a natural antibiotic, and I would expect some inflammation when using it. Another excellent natural antibiotic is Cumanda from Nutramedix.

I use natural treatments, alternative treatments, allopathic treatments, and experimental treatments. Anything that possesses the particular properties that I am looking for to treat with.

I have no preference, as long as it makes sense, and it works.

Current treatment program.

500 mg Turmeric
500 mg Ginger
Krill Oil
Vitamin D-3 in the Winter.
Extra vitamin C
Chlorella, just because I have it. I will not buy more.
I drink a glass of Blueberry Pomegranate juice with Dinner.

I also take Low Dose Naltrexone

I take Miracle Mineral Solution (Chlorine Dioxide) if I were to flare.

I use Rife type frequency treatments for attempting to eliminating particular Crohn's related pathogens. I also successfully stopped and reversed my wife's Lyme disease using this method.

I am all over the map.

I found that putting a heating pad on my tummy or sitting on it seems to help - you don't get much more natural than heat :) But also, when I had pain from endometriosis, I found a product called Menastil that is topically applied to the region of pain - it feels a lot like icy hot, but stronger. It didn't take the pain away, but like the heat it acted as a nice distraction. These options will certainly not interfere with other medications :)
I take Boswellin with Curcumin, Daily Omega from Renew Life, and just watch what I eat based on my own experiences of what bothers me and what doesn't. However, I still take my normal meds as well.
I have had no meds since I had surgery in Oct. Eating carefully has been essential for me so far. But I have bits of arthritis moving around my knees, hands and feet. they say it is a secondary expression of the immune disorder and suppression is the best way to go.

Do any of you have secondary symptoms and can more natural treatments help alleviate them?