Does Anyone Else have Dental Problems, Issues, That Might Trigger your symptoms??

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Jan 15, 2015
Hello Everyone;
Recently I have had so much dental work..! I mean, alot. And I can't help but feel that there is some correlation with the dental work and my Crohns flare-ups over the last few months. In fact, last week I had a root canal, and five days later was in the hospital for two days with Crohns complications and Extreme Hypertension with Tachycardia. I don't know if its the treatments (extractions, fillings, two root canals) that are riling up my system, or the wonderful prophylactic Amoxicillin, which is the Crohns Kiss of Death as far as side effects... I always tell the dentist that I cant tolerate the Amoxicillin, but I invariably hear the resounding refrain "Benefits Outweigh the Risks". And, between you and me, I invariably end up NOT taking it.... Anyway, I am a bit distressed because I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow...!! And I feel like a 5 year old scared little girl. Unless this is just MY thing, and it very well could be,, but just for kicks, I thought I'd ask, does anyone else have this issue? And what advice might you have..?
Thank you, brothers & sisters:heart:
Dx Crohns Dis in 1985, Hypertension 2005, Diabetes and Stage 1 Kidney Dis 2014
Terminal ileum Resection 1994
Hello. Every time I take my kid to the dentist they give her antibiotics to prevent an infection from the bacteria or blood that may get loose from dental work. It does mess up her stomach every time.
I had dental infections in September,November and December 2014 as well as the previous April
Each time was really bad ,but September tooth infection,extraction,amoxacilin 7 days,
10 days of bloody diarrhea tapering off.
November another tooth extraction due to abscess,the dentist insisted on 7 day course of Amoxacillin
I did not get past 5 days,but this time I could not leave the bathroom for a couple of days initially but then I took some diluted Roses lime juice and it actually lessened the diarrhea down to fifteen times a day
Whereas the previous days had been 40 times daily.
This event went. on for three weeks before played havoc with my chemistry especially electrolyte balance which alarmed the doc who told me to drink Gatorade.
Finally recovered until December and again the same story.This time I was getting implants and this was done for the upper but not for lower where there were two dental abscesses.of course the oral surgeon
Wanted to use Amoxacillin or worse Clindamycin and this I countered with adamant refusal
He was understanding though and removed two more teeth causing the abscesses
Quite a nightmare and I am still recovering from it and the crohns exacerbation.
He will recheck in mid February to see how things are and hopefully to give a date for the lower implants.
Quite difficult to eat and in any case no appetite thanks to crohn's or whatever.
Antibiotics most definitely upset the microbiome and ecological balance so important to good health.
However there are times when they are lifesaving even with unwanted side effects.
You have my heartfelt sympathy
Hugs and best wishes
Thank you, Trysha, for the message;
I really am very sorry to hear about everything you have gone through! I appreciate your experience, as harrowing as it is; I now know that the flare-ups are probably just going to be part of the process of the dental treatments with the medications he gives me. Whatcha gonna do? I've never tried the Rose's Lime Juice, never thought about it! Thats a good tip.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks,,:heart:
To you and all my supportive brothers and sisters,
Thank you and Good Wishes,,
Why does Roses Lime Juice help diarrhea - I haven't heard about that before but am very interested?
Hi Ali29;
Over the years I have met and researched with nutritionists, and lime is considered one of several fruits and vegetables that are in the Alkaline field of ph, which in many cases, have shown to ease symptoms of Crohns disease. I had actually forgotten about the Alkaline diet, but it is good for me to keep up with current research findings & such;
I will say this: you and me, all of us, we are all uniquely individual, and we know that what works for others might not work for us... but I will tell you, I have learned and gleaned more insightful experience, knowledge and support from my fellow "diagnos-ees", ....and for this forum, and all these amazing, brave people, I am so appreciative and very willing & open to suggestions!:ysmile:
Take care of yourself, kiddo....:rosette2:

dx crohns in 1985, Hypertension, Tachycardia, Diabetis, Kidney dis 2014
I don't know why roses lime juice helps---just that it does.
The second bout I had ,I also used pro biotic Lactobacillus capsules
Each capsule contained 10 billion lactobacilli and I took one capsule three hours prior to
The antibiotic
It really seemed to help reduce the bathroom visits down to 10-15 a day and shortened the
You are so right about the Lactobacillus;
I went to the dentist this morning, and before I started my amoxicillin, I took the rest of my probiotics; so far, so good...
minimal bathroom time..!
Funny: I asked my boyfriend to get me some rice milk and Roses Lime juice at the store, he thought i wanted to make kamikaze shots! Roses is the absolute best for a good kamikaze shot! and now i have another reason to have it on hand.... thank you so much for the support!
I REALLY appreciate it. :)
OP, i'm not sure but i had my wisdom teeth come through (facing side-on outwards on the left side) at the beginning of my Crohn's making itself known through pain approx 2 yrs ago aug 2012 and then through 2013 had it every now and then where my tooth ache would be instant searing pain dropping me to the ground so intense i couldnt even swear and was in shock for about 20mins after each time!

I can only expect that those 5-6 instances of my wisdom teeth pain would have had a very negative effect on my already present Crohn's symptoms (my crohn's diag was only april 2014).
Dental Anxieties are no new to anyone. It's a different matter of fact that your fear is legitimate as you have been through so many treatments. It's advisable not to be panic and follow the steps given by your dentist and doctors. I wish your well being.

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