Hi there,
This is my first time to the forum. I m really pleased to be sharing info. I ve had crohns in my terminal ileum for 13 years. No operations but a numbers of tests and different medication including infliximab.i ve been trying with no medication recently as last Mri showed no active crohns but have just started on Entocort. This is day 7 and beginning to feel improvement. I was wondering if anyone else shares my symptoms- tenderness in lower right, bloating and pain in upper middle abdomen. I sometimes have acid reflux and although no diarrhoea I do have urgency for toilet most mornings. I can sometimes feel a painful lump in lower right which comes and goes. I realise my symptoms are not as bad as lots of you and for this reason I ve assumed its IBS some of the time. However nothing I have tried for IBS ( and I ve tried plenty) ever works and the steroids do. In the past I ve have high levels of ESR in blood and also high levels of something in blood that has led Drs to say I ve got gallstones and pancreatitis.
I m so confused as I ve never been given a clear explanation for the constant pain in my tummy. Could it be referred pain or maybe pain as food is backed up due to narrowing further down? If anyone has similar symptoms I d really like to hear from you.:wink::wink:
This is my first time to the forum. I m really pleased to be sharing info. I ve had crohns in my terminal ileum for 13 years. No operations but a numbers of tests and different medication including infliximab.i ve been trying with no medication recently as last Mri showed no active crohns but have just started on Entocort. This is day 7 and beginning to feel improvement. I was wondering if anyone else shares my symptoms- tenderness in lower right, bloating and pain in upper middle abdomen. I sometimes have acid reflux and although no diarrhoea I do have urgency for toilet most mornings. I can sometimes feel a painful lump in lower right which comes and goes. I realise my symptoms are not as bad as lots of you and for this reason I ve assumed its IBS some of the time. However nothing I have tried for IBS ( and I ve tried plenty) ever works and the steroids do. In the past I ve have high levels of ESR in blood and also high levels of something in blood that has led Drs to say I ve got gallstones and pancreatitis.
I m so confused as I ve never been given a clear explanation for the constant pain in my tummy. Could it be referred pain or maybe pain as food is backed up due to narrowing further down? If anyone has similar symptoms I d really like to hear from you.:wink::wink: