Does fructose increase intestinal inflammation?

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Aug 2, 2013
I know that a lot of people with Crohn's diagnosis can eat foods with fructose, mainly fruits without any problems, but I can't eat them. It's been happening for years now, started after my Crohn's diagnosis and have worsened over time.

Whenever I try to eat a food with fructose, all my symptoms increase (among them, most notably the bleeding). I know it's not the fiber because I can't eat honey, things like maple syrup, jams, fruit juices...
The reaction I get from fructose is immediate and definite, so I always avoid anything with fructose.

I'm wondering if something like this happens to any of you too?
Thanks in advance.
I have a form of colitis. For me I've noticed that fructose doesn't seem to be a big problem. In the past a soda, with the fizz mostly stirred out could help with settling the stomach. With that said today I rarely drink many sweet drinks or eat candy high in fructose.
I have to check labels, because high fructose corn syrup gives me a case of D. In Canada it's labeled glucose-fructose, and is now used in everything. I have a sweet tooth, and look for European candy made with sugar when I want a treat.
It's interesting...I've recently done a lot of reading up on Sugar. All forms of sugar are very inflammatory to our bodies. That's probably why you see an increase in symptoms. There is a diet I tried a couple months ago (Sugar detox). I had a headache and was a terrible grump for the first 3 or 4 days but after that I felt amazing. I was already in pretty decent control of my Crohn's but felt more energized/less fatigue. My arthritis
seemed to improve. I only did it for 2 weeks. It was intense.😳 I'll try to attach the plan.
Btw I never (even when they consider me in remission) can handle fruit juices, sad cause they so darn yummy 🙄
Have a look at the FODMAP diet/theory. I think it was discovered by the Monash university in Melbourne, so not some random unscientific internet thing.
The F in Fodmap stands for fructose so yes you're not alone, a sensitivity/intolorance to some kinds of sugars is quite normal. I've tried the elimination diet on recommendation of my GI and I do have sensitivities to some of these, for me it's not fructose but the one that's in onions, forgot which one it is. (sorry early in the morning here and my brain isn't functioning yet).

It's really helpful to figure out what exactly you react to as there are natural sugars in all kinds of foods, not just processed, and once you know they are much easier to avoid. I found it very enlightening as it explained why certain random things bothered me.