Does reducing stress through herbal or homeopathic treatments help Crohn's?

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Sep 16, 2011
Hi all,

My hubby found some herbal supplements today called "Calm EZ" which is made up of Chinese herbs. He said it helped him today to reduce his stress level (he's unemployed, and therefore quite stressed!).

I know that stress can exacerbate a flare - not necessarily cause a flare but definitely aggravate it. So, if one were to take supplements or homeopathic treatments to reduce stress, would this have a positive effect on Crohn's? In other words does the Crohn's aggravation from stress be reduced if the other symptoms of stress were removed, or is Crohn's only helped by removal of the actual stressors?

I'm sure that's clear as mud!
Before even looking at any evidence that exists on the subject, I would have to agree with Ducey. If the stress reduction remedy does not cause pain and does not cause financial or any other difficulty, why not continue to do it? Even if there was no known benefit for IBD symptoms, I would think the increased quality of life from stress reduction would make it worth while to continue with the chosen activity.

Here is a good review of the relation between stress and IBD based on some more current research (as of 2005).

Science has now found a link between stress and decreased immune system function and increased inflammation. Stressful situations can cause flairs in people with IBD or worsening of symptoms.

Based on that alone, it would seem that if an IBD sufferer can reduce stress in their life then they can improve the functioning of their immune system and reduce the risk of their IBD flairing up.

The study also found that stress decreases an IBD sufferer's tolerance for pain, which can make it more difficult to deal with day to day symptoms or with flair ups of the disease.

The review does point out that there has not been strong evidence in studies that IBD sufferers receiving stress reduction treatment in addition to medical treatment have reduced IBD symptoms. None the less, the authors do feel that based on the evidence of how stress can impact the bodies health, more studies should be performed to determine how stress reduction improves life for IBD sufferers.

I don't think Calm EZ or any product is the one and only answer. Anything one can do to reduce stress in their life and relax is likely beneficial. If you or your husband prefers to try Chinese herbs and homeopathic treatments to reduce stress in your lives than all the power to you! You certainly do not need to have IBD in order to benefit from the health benefits of decreased stress!

Things that work for me in terms of reducing stress are ensuring I get enough sleep, getting in physical activity (David's Yoga postures for IBD help me destress a lot!), taking time each week to share some laughs with friends and taking time for myself to relax. I don't know why, but I have started to find cleaning to be a fairly enjoyable and relaxing activity!

Hope that helps answer your question a bit!
If you are stressed it may help, but as said above, you will only be masking the symptom not fixing the cause.

Yoga is a great destresser, you dont even have to do the moves as i find just the breathing exercises are a great destresser.

Have a go if you think they will help you, but i'd only use them for the short term and think of other ways of reducing the stress from your life (either a lifestyle change, or the way you percieve life)

Tell us how you get on anyway :)
Although I do agree with everything everyone has said regarding "de-stressing", I need to caution you (and anyone for that matter) to research what may be in the supplement and make sure it doesn't interfere with any medciations you may already be taking. If any of the products in the supplement are 'immune boosting' they may counter-act any 'immune-suppressing' medications you may already be on......

Other than that, I'd say go for it!
While we obviously want to de-stress, I feel one of the keys is to remove as many stressors from our lives as we can. A good place to start reading is the fight or flight response; if we get stressed, the physiological and psychological changes have already been made. It's like an alcoholic drinking alcohol and wondering if it's a good idea to pee (I do not mean that in a condescending manner, I'm just trying to provide an example of why it's important not to get stressed in the first place).

In this day and age it's impossible to remove all stressors but considering the connection between stress and IBD, sometimes we have to make the difficult life-changing choices between health and present lifestyle. It's tough :(
Stress is no more than a accepted way to respond to things that we do not like. Acting stressful simply compounds the problem that already exists. When we explore healthier ways to respond and do so, we are already on the way to a solution. Since there will always be problems in this life, acting stressful doesn't even make good sense.

There is a tea called Tulsi tea that is a natural herbal tea for destressing...and good to drink!
Hi Glory I would have to say any time you reduce stress it's definitely a good thing for Crohn's. I really like Homeopathic remedies from Hyland's-you can check it out online. I like the Calm's Forte and the one for sleep.

Deep breathing exercises also really help me, esp. with pain. Stretching exercises help alot too for stress relief.

Extra Vitamin B 12 is good for me, too, and calcium with magnesium; sometimes we feel extra stressed out from a lack of vitamins in our system-between the constant diarrhea and prednisone, Remicade, 6MP, you name it-totally drains us Crohnnies. I once was having severe panic attacks and no one could figure it out; I went to a Osteopathic doctor and got an infusion of b12, calcium and magnesium and felt 100% better-no more attacks! I went every week for 8 weeks and then once a month for six months and it was so worth it.
Thanks all! This is very helpful :)

I went to my GI today and we talked a little about stress exacerbating my symptoms. She said that stress affects everyone, and can do crazy things to your gut, even without IBD. So how much moreso would it affect us with IBD!
Theres also something called "Rescue Remedy", a homeopathic tincture by Bach. You can get it in drops or spray, under your tongue. It actually works but tastes like crap.
I've heard of Rescue Remedy - don't they also have one for pets too? Anyway I think I'll give some of these options a try!
That's actually how I learned of it, our old neighbors used to give it to their cat when they were away for the weekend so he didn't get to stressed out. It was the same one as for humans, at least at that time...