Any answers would be greatly appreciated. My daughter is eleven. Three weeks ago she was became sick at home on a Sunday morning. She had a 102.3 fever and my husband took her to the dr office where she threw up twice. The dr. Said it was probably a virus and sent her home. When I got home that evening around 8:45pm she was feeling pretty rough still. All day after the dr visit she had had a rusty maroon colored diarrhea and no more vomiting. Her fever was still up so I gave her some Tylenol and around ten she went on to bed. At about 2:30am she went through my room to go to my bathroom and get in the shower. All of the sudden I heard a loud thud and hollered her name. When she didn't answer I got up and went to check on her. I accidentally hit her with the bathroom door and it roused her and she was able to move away from it. She had passed out in the bathroom!!! I checked her temp and her blood pressure and called her dr. (I am a nursing student and will have my RN in May). I took her to the ER and they admitted her for dehydration. They got a sample of her stool and it was more blood than stool. She stayed for four days and the doctors never even called a GI doctor. I finally requested one before we left the hospital and he ordered a lot of tests. I told him that my husbands first cousin has Crohn's disease and he said that it was possible that this was crohns. They tested her for rota virus E. coli shigella and all the other big ticket bacterias and they all came back negative. her c reactive protein was 5.5 and her esr was 16 and her calprotectin was 538.8. She is scheduled to go back to the GI dr on the 1st of April. Is he going to tell us she has crohns? Could it have been a virus that they didn't detect? Could it be something else?? I wonder if a stomach virus can cause your calprotectin level to be that high??