Does using kefir rectally or orally cure Crohns or help with symptoms?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 30, 2015
I was looking into growing probiotics and read about this stuff called Kefir. I suffer from pain in my lower stomach, it feels like my insides are collapsing. My doctor thinks I've got Crohns. I read a guy saying he put some Kefir beads up his ass and it cured him. Has anyone tried this or heard of anyone having any benefits or cons from drinking Kefir too?

Chris. X
Hello and welcome to the forum. :)

No it will not cure Crohn's as there is no known cure at this time. There are some members who use kefir and other probiotics to try and help manage symptoms. There have been mixed results (when taken orally, haven't heard anyone mention using it rectally).

Let us know if you do start trying kefir and how it works for you. :)
As Jennifer said, many find Kefir helpful and I'm in that group thinking it helps me a bit but who knows. I drink it though, never heard of a kefir enema and I wouldn't do that. I have heard of probiotic enemas but if that's your real goal maybe a clinical trial on fecal transplant is a good idea because that's the ultimate probiotic.
I tried kefir briefly and I seemed to have an adverse reaction to it, even though it was made from milk I drink safely daily.