Does watery D mean obstruction??

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Aug 9, 2014

I have been experiencing D for about 3 days and flaring. Noticing that the D has less and less solid material. Should I be worried about possible obstruction? Not in anymore pain than the usual flare pain, and not consistently either? Thought I'd ask though, as I am relatively new to Crohn's. Can't wait to see my GI in 11 days. Thanks for any advice kind friends.
I'm sure it works lots of different ways for different people, but typically for me my SBOs feature D beforehand until everything is cleared out and then I get nothing at all passing. For me it's really the bloating to the point of having to vomit to relieve the pressure that lets me know I'm blocked.

How much are you eating right now? I've had a couple for times like you're describing (though not as long) where I'll get D and then really only take fluids, so there's not a lot of bulk to pass.
Watery D can mean just about anything from irritation to excess water to medication to bowel problems. The other symptoms are important in figuring out if it is really meaningful. Write out your symptoms on a daily basis so that you can discuss with your GI.
I am eating fairly well. I am never really "hungry," but I try to eat 3 meals a day. I also try to make sure that I chew my food excessively and that nothing is very stringy or fatty in nature. As of my colonoscopy 2 months ago, the disease was only active in the ileum. Though when I hurt, I notice the pain there as well as in my back, my right rib cage, and around my sternum. Thank you guys for replying.
For my partial obstructions, I can barely put water down let alone solid food. I don't experience pain as much as pressure, which only gets painful if it really builds up. I've heard different people talk about that differently though.

Have you talked abiut additional imaging with your GI. MR enterography has been useful in checking out the extent of inflammation and ruling out strictures for me.

If you're really worried, you can always go to the ER or even try to get an ultrasound if your primary or G I has access to one. They've at least been able to rule out acute blockage for me (though could tell that something had recently happened).
Watery D can mean just about anything from irritation to excess water to medication to bowel problems. The other symptoms are important in figuring out if it is really meaningful. Write out your symptoms on a daily basis so that you can discuss with your GI.

I think this is right - no one online can really tell you what is going on, your symptoms are too general (they can have so many different causes). You'll need to see a doctor and get some tests done to find out the cause.

Though obstructions tend to be painful. If you get more pain or other symptoms (vomiting, etc.) you might want to see a doctor sooner.
Loss of appetite would be one of the first signs of SBO, eventually, nausea, vomiting, and possibly pain. Usually one gets distended as well. Though Diarrhea can at times initially be present with a develoing SBO or a partial SBO eventually everything just stops so nothing, including gas would get through. If you are eating regularly and holding everything down just fine, the odds of a SBO are remote.
Loss of appetite would be one of the first signs of SBO, eventually, nausea, vomiting, and possibly pain. Usually one gets distended as well. Though Diarrhea can at times initially be present with a develoing SBO or a partial SBO eventually everything just stops so nothing, including gas would get through. If you are eating regularly and holding everything down just fine, the odds of a SBO are remote.

Why do you say possibly pain? Every obstruction I have had involved A LOT of pain, nausea, and possibly vomiting, in that order, with pain being first on the list.
Why do you say possibly pain? Every obstruction I have had involved A LOT of pain, nausea, and possibly vomiting, in that order, with pain being first on the list.

Sure, pain can be prominet. Most lose appetite with the bowel rest pain becomes less of an issue. But sure, pain can be prominent.
Why do you say possibly pain? Every obstruction I have had involved A LOT of pain, nausea, and possibly vomiting, in that order, with pain being first on the list.

Me too. Pain was definitely the most prominent symptom by a long way. I started with mild pain, then moderate pain. At that point my stoma was still functioning (equivalent of diarrhoea in someone without an ostomy? Though my output wasn't particularly watery), and I was still eating with no problems. Then major pain. My stoma didn't function after the pain became major, and loss of appetite and a bit of nausea began around that time too, though they were very much overshadowed by the pain. I never vomited, though I hardly ever vomit; I didn't even vomit when I had ileus. I don't know at what point my stomach became distended, though after the major pain had taken me to hospital, the A&E doctor was pretty concerned about my massive stomach! So I guess there are always exceptions and atypical presentations, but I would have thought pain would be one of the more typical small bowel obstruction symptoms.
pain is an interesting symptom. With any GI process from SBO to IBD, peptic ulcers, to a simple virus pain can be prominent or non existent. In terms of SBO, sure pain can certainly be the main feature. It depends on where the SBO is occurring, if one has or continues to try to take things in orally, past surgery, scar tissue- underlying GI disorders like IBD, cause of the SBO. To be able to take things by mouth with an SBO without nausea or vomiting is highly unusual. In fact, NG tubes are very therapeutic for decompressing and emptying stomach contents. But like anything else, people can vary big time. in 11 years of Crohn's I have never needed medication for pain. I have had urgency like the dickens, but pain- not so much. Many here with CD I'm sure have been in excrutiating discomfort. Highly variable. Loss of appetite is a defensive symptom that occurs with SBO to the bowel can rest. Usually once bowel rest is begun, pain often starts to improve.

For anyone that has had an SBO before, strategies to prevent future ones- 1) obviously treat any underlying cause- scar tissue, adhesion, stricture 2) Eat smaller more frequent meals- avoid "rush hour" in gut as I like to tell patients. 3) Avoid anticholinergic meds if possible- Narcotics, h1 antihistamines 4) if diabetic, control glucose
It's always been more pressure or bloating for me, with vomiting to relieve the pressure. Really only twice has it gotten to the point that it has felt "painful" (the two times I went to the ER).
Severe pain and boosting with nausea are the symptom of bowel obstruction. I've had many to the point I vomited up feces. I am almost positive you will know when you are obstructing as the symptoms are more severe.