Don't know how long I can take this...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 16, 2009
I've been a member here for around 2 years. I joined when I was really sick. After quite a while, I started getting better, and soon achieved remission with the drug Imuran. It was a great time. However, on occasion, I would get some strange leg cramps. The pain starts in my buttocks, usually (although not always) and then begins to affect the backs of my thighs. Sometimes it's just the backs of my thighs. It never goes any lower than that. Anyway, it wasn't very often, so I disregarded it.

The strange leg pain got worse. It got so much worse that I now experience it all day, every day, without the aid of pain medication. I'm prescribed Ultram. There was a brief period that Aleve helped the pain, but it also caused me to relapse with my crohn's, because I'm overdosing on it when I don't have pain medication. I have been to several doctors. I started with my GI doc, who sent me to a back specialist, who doesn't really think the problem is my back. I was sent to a pain management doctor who doesn't want to prescribe any pain pills because I'm only 25, and he began giving me steroid shots in my back, which helped the first time, but not since. This has been going on for a year. I have to beg for Ultram to help with the pain, but nothing has been done to fix the problem. My doctor would only give me a month's worth of Ultram and no refills. When I call him about prescribing it again, he gives me a hard time, and takes forever to represcribe, which make me go through terrible withdraw. But I have to go back on the Ultram, because they won't find out what is causing the leg pain.

Between the leg pain itself, and the withdraw from coming on and off the Ultram, plus crohn's relapse, I'm terribly miserable. I just can't live this way. I pray every night. I don't know what to do. I have found another doctor and I'm waiting for the appointment, another 4 days left. But I just don't know how long I can keep going.

Sorry, I just really needed to get this all out to people that will be more understanding. No one else understands just how much pain I'm in.