Dosage lower than told

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Sep 23, 2009
What dose do you get and how often?

I just started at 5mg per kg (I think) but the IV said 4.96! I mean that's close to 5 but not sure why it was lower.
Maybe they were hoping it was close enough? I honestly don't know. Can you ask them about it at your next infusion? I know they do have to pull the amount out of each bottle and then inject it into the bag mixed with saline. It can be hard to pull out every little bit of liquid in the bottle with the needle but they do their best.

All I know is that I had 4 bottles. I don't recall how much was in each.
If it happens again I'll ask but I don't see them fill the bag at my infusion center just the saline with a Remicade sticker.