The holidays are definitely much different when you've got an illness like this to contend with! I usually just have a small amount of turkey and mashed potatoes, those tend to be pretty safe foods for me. I avoid things like nuts, veggies, anything that's hard to digest or high in fiber. Generally speaking, when you're still doing trial and error to figure out what foods are safe for you, it tends to be best to stick to bland, low-residue foods when you want to be really safe. For me, I tend to think of them as white foods. Stuff like baked chicken, turkey, fish, potatoes without the skins, white bread or white pasta (if gluten is okay for you), applesauce, etc. Obviously those foods aren't super nutritious so it's not a diet that you can do all the time, but when you're already in a high-stress situation like a family gathering, it's okay to just do bland foods for a bit to help ensure your tummy stays calm. Good luck!