Drinking water on the morning of a colonoscopy.

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Mar 25, 2018
Hi everyone,

I'm sorry this is so short notice, but I've got a question about my colonoscopy, which is actually tomorrow (the morning of April Fool's Day...typical). I read on the leaflet that you should only sip water the morning of the colonoscopy. The problem is, when I'm dehydrated and anxious I need to drink a lot of water. Will drinking more than just sips compromise the results of the colonoscopy? I don't know if water ends up in the bowel or not...

I'm glad I've managed to find time to post. I've just started the second part of the Moviprep, not having a fun time. I honestly don't see the point of the second part. It just seems like overkill. The thought of more stuff coming out... :'(

Sorry if it's a daft question, it's just it's bothering me.

P.S. Considering I haven't thrown up (yet)...do I really need to finish every drop of Moviprep? I suppose I do just to be safe...but...one can hope.
Have had two colonoscopies and hated both I had to take picolax on first one which was easier than the second time which I had to use clean prep which smells and taste revolting who ever dicided vanilla was a good idea should be made to drink it , with clean prep you should take 4 sachets of it but I only managed 3 before I felt like vomiting. I rang the hospital that were doing the colonoscopy to see if I really needed to take it I believe she said as long as it was clear coming out [sorry for graphic ) didn’t need it but your one may differ . I personally didn’t drink after what ever time they said purely as I didn’t want it to not be ok to have it done after the prep it’s not worth the risk . I hope you do ok with all of it I know it’s horrid. Good luck
Hi everyone,

I'm sorry this is so short notice, but I've got a question about my colonoscopy, which is actually tomorrow (the morning of April Fool's Day...typical). I read on the leaflet that you should only sip water the morning of the colonoscopy. The problem is, when I'm dehydrated and anxious I need to drink a lot of water. Will drinking more than just sips compromise the results of the colonoscopy? I don't know if water ends up in the bowel or not...

I'm glad I've managed to find time to post. I've just started the second part of the Moviprep, not having a fun time. I honestly don't see the point of the second part. It just seems like overkill. The thought of more stuff coming out... :'(

Sorry if it's a daft question, it's just it's bothering me.

P.S. Considering I haven't thrown up (yet)...do I really need to finish every drop of Moviprep? I suppose I do just to be safe...but...one can hope.
I would not think it would hurt to drink lots of water.
Thanks, it's okay for being graphic, it's needed. I haven't actually looked so far at what's coming out. I just close my eyes and flush. =/ I don't think it's clear yet, though...damn...I'll just keep going until I've had enough. I'm holding it in because I hate going so much. I'm about 1/3 through my second half at least...

Thanks for the advice. =)
I believe the reason that they tell you to drink no water the day of the procedure is because of the anesthesia. Some people don't react well to the anesthesia medication that they use during colonoscopies or even surgery. My instructions for my colonoscopy next week say to not drink any water the day of my procedure. Some people get sick after a procedure or surgery because they are sensitive from the anesthesia medication. I may be wrong about this but this is what I have heard , best for you to call your doctor's office to double-check . My instructions for my colonoscopy are very strict and if I don't follow them exactly they will not perform my colonoscopy. Hope you do well.
I believe the reason that they tell you to drink no water the day of the procedure is because of the anesthesia. Some people don't react well to the anesthesia medication that they use during colonoscopies or even surgery. My instructions for my colonoscopy next week say to not drink any water the day of my procedure. Some people get sick after a procedure or surgery because they are sensitive from the anesthesia medication. I may be wrong about this but this is what I have heard , best for you to call your doctor's office to double-check . My instructions for my colonoscopy are very strict and if I don't follow them exactly they will not perform my colonoscopy. Hope you do well.

You're absolutely right. I had it done this morning, and I told them I'd sipped water that morning. The nurse said I might have to wait a little longer for the reasons you said. Apparantly I'd be more likely to vomit. I just waited an extra 20 minutes or so, then they saw to me. I didn't find the painkiller and sedative very effective, so perhaps they lowered my dose. At least they were able to do the colonoscopy. Still, it's done now...thank goodness... =/
LopEared : So glad to hear your colonoscopy procedure was a success and is finally over with. I hope that you start feeling better soon. I am having a colonoscopy / endoscopy on April 4th. Take Care and rest if you must. ♡
LopEared : So glad to hear your colonoscopy procedure was a success and is finally over with. I hope that you start feeling better soon. I am having a colonoscopy / endoscopy on April 4th. Take Care and rest if you must. ♡

Thank you. =) And best of luck with your colonoscopy too, I hope it goes as well as it can.