Drugs after surgery

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Feb 22, 2011
So I had an operation to remove my diseased bowel/fistula's - received an illeostomy in return - 2 months ago. The Consultant etc decided not to put me on any drugs and actually apart from the usual stuff going on I feel fine - occasionally have a bit of pain from my ride hand side (my ileum was removed) though that's normally if I 'over-do' it a bit.
I spoke to the Crohns/GI people in t he hospital and they were talking about putting me on 6mp but that was 'forgotten about' for the rest of my stay
I had a letter through today about an appointment for a meeting in March where there talking about putting me on Aza (sorry can't spell it).
Now, what I want to know is WHY leave it for 3 months before even beginning to think about putting me on something, because, having done a bit of research, Aza is quite intense, and surely if my Crohn's was that bad surely I should have been put on it straight away?
Also would I know whether I was in the fabled remission? Am I in remission now? I'm a bit scared of trying the foods that usually made me very sick like beef/bacon etc, yet I have tried a bit of pork (usually did make me sick) I was fine. And this is a conversation I have a lot with my parents
The thing is, as soon as I got onto the steriods etc I was fine - no pain. However, I did suffer from fistula's, and I was ill when I had them. I just find all of this very confusing!!!
Thank you for taking the time too read :)
That's interesting Gracifer and good to hear that you are doing well after the surgery. The same sort of thing happened to me. I was on Aza prior to the op and they took me off it. I didn't see the GI after the surgery, but the surgeon said he would want to see me for a follow up and might want to put me on 6mp.
I eventually saw him last month and didn't put me on any maintenance meds. Said it was because of he nature of my disease and that it had proved resistant to the drugs I was on before surgery. My surgery was to remove a fistula too.