Educational Seminar in Atlanta

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 17, 2011
Hello fellow parents!

I'm trying to learn my way around on the site, and its very changelling to me! The Crohns & Colitis Foundation is hosting a educational seminar in Atlanta, actually at Emory. Its March 26th 9a-2p, they have free breakfast, lunch and parking.....can't beat that! Below is the agenda.


1) Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, Atlanta Center for Holistic & Integrative Medicine, physician
2) Dr. Athos Bousvaros, Children’s Hospital of Boston, pediatric gastroenterologist
3) Dr. Josh Korzenik, Massachusetts General Hospital, adult gastroenterologist
4) Dr. Bret Lashner, Cleveland Clinic, adult gastroenterologist
5) Dr. Sonia Michail, Children’s Medical Center of Dayton, pediatric gastroenterologist
6) Dr. Miguel Regeuiro, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, adult gastroenterologist
7) Dr. Cary Sauer, Emory School of Medicine, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, pediatric


1) Understanding Crohn's and Colitis: A comprehensive presentation about both Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.
2) Probiotics and other complementary therapies: A review of current research about the role of probiotics in IBD.
3) Medication for IBD: An update on the risks, benefits and side-effects of medications commonly used to treat IBD.
4) Infections, immunizations and swine flu: How to maintain your health all year long.
5) Integrative Medicine: Western medicine meets Eastern medicine: How acupuncture, herbal supplements and more can complement your current treatment regimine.
6) Question and answer: A chance to ask the experts those questions that have been on your mind all year long.

Just thought I would share the info.

mom to Madison 12yr old IBD - 3/2008, PSC - 9/2008
Are you going Connie? I'd be interested in reading some of the dialogue especially the q/a. Have you a list of questions prepared?
Hi Mark,
Yes, I plan to go to the seminar. I'm working on my list of questions, got any I should add? Are you a member of the CCFA? From how I understand it each state has a chapter. They have been trying to get me to send Madison to their camp, but she doesn't want to hear of it. The host 2 seminars a year.
Gotta with you later!
I guess I'd be most interested in the complimentary therapies and herbal supplements. We have EJ on probiotics and several herbal supps from a company called Standard Process. He's had a good year, of course I couldn't really assign the credit to anything in particular.

Is there a ccfa camp near you? They're all pretty far from us the best I remember. I know we should, but no we haven't joined yet.
Connie - SO COOL that you are going to this!!! I hope you'll share some 'nuggets' of what you learn on the parents' forum.

We did join CCFA while we were in AZ. I'm embarassed to say I know nothing about the Ky chapter but we recently relocated so they probably haven't "found" me yet. :ybiggrin:
Hi Connie,

I talked to my hubby and we are both wanting to go. Can you send me the way to sign up for it please?
I am going to talk to my daughter about Camp Oasis also. I think she might enjoy going but since she is such a homebody I don't know if she'd like going off for a week without me.
Hi Jen,
Thats great news that you'll be able to come to the seminar.
I look forward to meeting you : )
Here is the link for registration.[/url]
Logistics says no. But I will be oh so curious to hear the latest about probiotics.... Are there some Atlantan CCFAers who can look into video-recording these talks?
I only got to stay until after lunch but I found it very interesting. One of the questions I had I got the answer to. The one Dr. talked about probiotics and alternative treatments. She said that with cd that there was no effectiveness for using probiotics. With pouchitis it was found to be very effective and with uc it was a little of both.

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