Egg/sulphur burps?

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Jan 11, 2012
My daughter complains of this a lot, esp in conjunction with her LLQ pain flaring, as it is this morning. She tastes it even when she's sneezing, she gets a lot more mild burps that are more like hiccups & tastes it... does anyone else have this as part of their ongoing issues?
I don't mean she's eating eggs and tasting them hours later, I mean she tastes that strong egg-y, sulphurish "sour stomach" taste from her stomach, regardless of what she's eaten. We don't eat eggs much. Sorry for the confusion!
I got this a ton before being dx with reflux. The Prilosec got rid of it completely. No more egg burps. No more cheerio burps. No more heartburn. Yay!
It goes hand-in-hand with nausea and pain... but not pain in the stomach, which is where the stinky burps originate. Her pain is always in the very low LLQ. I know it's related, in my Mom-knowledge. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she gets them at the same time. (Wish there was a Duuuh smiley :) ))
I will relay to the GI.
I am familiar with this. It hasn't happend since I started nexium. I used to get the egg burps and abdominal pain if I ate too much.
It goes hand-in-hand with nausea and pain... but not pain in the stomach, which is where the stinky burps originate. Her pain is always in the very low LLQ. I know it's related, in my Mom-knowledge. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she gets them at the same time. (Wish there was a Duuuh smiley :) ))
I will relay to the GI.

There's this one: :duh:. There's also this one, which I like :ybatty:. ;)

It doesn't sound like what I was asking about, but I'd still ask her GI about it.

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