Electrolyte drinks for combatting dehydratation

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Jul 1, 2008
I drink gatorade sometimes when I feel fatigued and it helps, so does energy vitamin water. Now I am trying pedialyte, its for kids when they vomit or have diarreah but its supposed to be the best electrolyte supplement out there, without the excess sugar. Has anyone used this with success?
i drink ton of those gatorrade/powerade drinks as reccommended by my doc. gonna have to see about this one your talking about, i ouldn't mind a slighlty smaller sugar intake.
I used to make my own drink when I used to do a lot of hill walking... think I got the "recipe" from a magazine, but you can hardly call it a recipe.
Simply take the juice from freshly squeezed oranges (do it yourself, not bought from a shop) and mix with fresh water 50/50. Then add a pinch of salt to taste. Worked OK for me and much cheaper than all those "sports" drinks
the pedialyte is helping me a bit, nothing spectacular im still a walking senior citizen and im 24 but i feel old and tired
i was told i'm dehydrated and my doc said DO NOT drink gatorade or other similar sports drinks. they contain too much sodium and will dehydrate you further.

i stick to water.
if i think i may be dehydrated, i drink the rehydration powder sachets mixed with water.. here there are many kinds such as Dioralyte, Rehydrat, & many supermarkets sell their own brand.

i don't think i would drink lucozade (i think the equivalent of gatorade) regularly for rehydration.. as has been said, they are very sugary, and not as fully made up of all the electrolytes we need as the sachets are, when we're dehydrated.