Enamel quickly dissipating

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Sep 23, 2009
My dentist told me I might need an extra heavy fluoride rinse because my crohn's/Osteoperosis is making my teeth brittle and my enamel is dissipating.

I use sensodyne toothpaste because my teeth get easily irritated. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do. I will be getting a biophosphate soon which may help.
Hey Noguts

Yeah, do whatever you can. I lost that battle, and the dental surgeon I ended up with.. well, the last 4 months dealing with it has not been a pleasant experience.

I tried finding alternative solutions, but the dentist told me that reversing the process, once started... was a losing battle. Unless I could stop the underlying cause...

Anyway, I don't mean to sound defeatist. Just that sitting here, with a mouth full of stitches because I had to have the surgery repeated a week ago because the surgeon screwed up the first time... well, it is hard to sound my optimistic self without sounding (to myself at least) totally bogus. Unless you can get a handle on the osteoperosis, your body will continue to take calcium from wherever it can... there is no stopping it.
i lost my teeth ,have 9 left about to be removed mon. it was due to fluoride. my teeth has always been weak due to this disease. dentist first gave me fluoride gel for home use at age 7. then i worked in a dentist office at age 20. now 36. that dentist also gave me a bottle of fluoride and a extra fluoride treatment through the yr in office. my teeth after all that were so brittle and literally breaking off. i started using calcium vit d and magnesium. i havent used a paste with fluoride since 03. and refuse to give it to my kid! just the tap water alone bothers me. im not trying to scare you but id recommend looking up the side effects of fluoride. im just trying to save people with info and knowledge so maybe they dont have to suffer needlessly. its worth looking into. good luck and best wishes!
I did a few research, quick but interesting.
You may want to look into what is called Theodent, which incorporates theobromine (which, strangely, is a cousin of caffein - can be found in certain plant, especially in cocoa beans). Apparently this molecule would be more efficient than fluoride to strengthen enamel.

If you can avoid extra fluoride I encourage you to do so. I don't know of the safety of theobromine, I have not deeply looked into it but I think it worth looking it up for more informations. But the little I saw seemed interesting.

That being said, I am not a fan of fluoride, water fluoridation or anything that goes along those line. The danger for the teeth is before the age of 8 for dental fluorosis and alteration of the teeth related to fluoride and is not present at your age. Though, it carries all other potential risks on health and I think it is better to avoid additional intakes than what is present in regular diet. Choosing my fights, I prefer ingesting fluoride via tea consumption than dental additives.
Thanks so much Jane, I'll check it out. I was nervous about fluoride but my dentist said its crucial and that we aren't swallowing it in large amounts so it's fine. I know its a big debate in the natural and holistic community.

I think the Osteoperosis meds will help too
the dentist will always recommend fluoride. that is what he is taught. fluoride can be dangerous. look on your toothpaste tube see what the recommended amount is and see what it says in the warning section. so many people have been are getting way more than what they are supposed to. from what ive researched the "pea size amount" is to much and that is 6 times the amount your body should have over a 6 month time frame. plus all the fluoride from water.
We brush and rinse with fluoride and it doesn't have enough time to penetrate the gum barrier. We aren't eating it. I drink spring water which doesn't contain fluoride. The fluoride in the water is so minimal it only helps kids from
What I understand.
Hello, there is actually a prescription toothpaste you can get from your dentist. Many ibders have issues with their teeth. One being excessive dry mouth from dehydration which lets bacteria go wild and causing tooth decay, loss etc. Ask your dentist about the prescription toothpaste, I can't remember what it is called right now.
I'm trying to avoid the dentist because I see too many doctors as it is and also lack dental insurance. I guess ill just need to go. Bah.
I had meant to add~ I don't remember the prescription being a 'fluoride' but more for dry mouth and to help control bacteria (if I remember correctly)
Aww man, that's rough! I hope you can catch a break soon. Does the dentist think that this problem is because of possible deficiencies from Crohn's? If so, that might be an easier fix...Sorry I can't help much, but I wanted you to know that I'll be thinking of you.
www.fluoridealert.org . i know its matter of opinon. but i have to know what im putting into my kid and my body. they are talking about lowering the dose in drinking water. how much fluoride you get depends on how much water you drink. unless your drinking imported water from places that do not fluoridate and well water most likely is fluoridated. i look at any and all reasons of why we have bad health. i cant accept the fact its just the way it is. i just care!
I think its best for this thread not to debate fluoride since its controversial and both sides have valid points.

I personally will use fluoride or any product that might help build my teeth and enamel now. I just don't want them to further disintegrate.
i understand. sometimes can be a little pushy when im pmsing. i was reading that tea has naturl fluoride. at any rate i hope you can fix it.
I had an issue with my enamel wearing thin quickly, many cavities, and high sensitivity even though I was taking good care of my teeth, using Sensodyne, and using MI paste. I decided to switch my toothpaste to the Kiss My Face brand which has no fluoride. Most of my sensitivity went away and I haven't had any cavities since! I'm not sure if it was eliminating the fluoride or other ingredients, but it worked for me. Good luck.
Fluoride might be unhealthy but I don't see how eliminating it would stop the sensitivity. That's interesting that you have that experience.

What's MI paste?
I'm not quite sure why it worked how it did, but I've been loving it. The toothpaste I use now has "Co-Q10, Tea Tree, Herbal Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Organic Aloe Vera, and is free from Fluoride and SLS" (http://www.kissmyface.com/product/item/2). So maybe it was one of the other ingredients or a combo of them that helped.

"MI Paste and MI Paste Plus are one-of-a-kind products that release vital minerals and helps stimulate saliva flow. They are the only dental products with RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP), a special milk-derived protein that is a breakthrough in oral health care." http://www.mi-paste.com/about.php
My dentist told me I might need an extra heavy fluoride rinse because my crohn's/Osteoperosis is making my teeth brittle and my enamel is dissipating.

I use sensodyne toothpaste because my teeth get easily irritated. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do. I will be getting a biophosphate soon which may help.

I have just being dentist I also have problem with Fluoride, I have tried to clean my teeth better and get them 3-4 months by dentist.

Good Luck. x

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