Endoscopy results. Explain?

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May 4, 2014
Hi guys!
Today I had an upper endoscopy. I've been having some bad reflux and they wanted to take a look. I also have a hiatal hernia.
-It says I have mild esophigitis
-mild gastritis in my stomach
-there's bile in my fundus

What does all this mean? And is bile supposed to be in my fundus? They took a picture and the whole pic is filled with bile. It's nasty.
They took biopsies for pathology.

Thank you so much!
Not sure about fundus or what it is...sorry.

The rest is inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
Beyond that the doctor will be able to tell you what that means going forward.
I'm not a medical professional, but as far as I know:

Bile can come up from the small intestine into the stomach, causing gastritis. (Gastritis means inflammation of the stomach, which can be caused by many different things.) Bile can also get as far as the easophagus. Bile flowing upwards into the stomach and easophagus in this way is called biliary reflux. It often occurs along with acid reflux (reflux of stomach acid into the easophagus), and both acid reflux and biliary reflux into the easophagus can cause easophagitis. (Easophagitis means inflammation of the easophagus, and like gastritis, can be caused by many things.)

The fundus is part of the stomach, but I'm not sure of the significance of bile getting into this part.

So I would say it's no wonder you've been getting reflux symptoms! There are many meds for reflux, so hopefully now you've had it confirmed by this test, and once the biopsy results come back to rule out or confirm other conditions, your doctors will be able to prescribe something specifically targeted at the reflux problems you're having.