Entecort and Back/Kidney pain

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Dec 2, 2011
I hop this is the right Subform. I have had Back/Kidney Pain since the beginning with Entecort. The Pharmacist says this is common due to the effect of Budesonide on prostaglandin.

It hits me the worst about 5-6 hours after I have gone to bed. I have tried a few thing to moderate it. Taking it in the early afternoon, instead of the evening seemed to be helping, as did making sure I drink 64+ ounces of water. However, I just stepped down the dosage to two pills a day, and pain is back with a vengeance (The pharmacist is flummoxed by that).

Does anyone else have experience with this? And if so, have you found anything that helps reduce the pain, or the occurrence of the pain?
"Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away... back pain." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000434/

It sounds like your pain is severe and not going away. You should be speaking to the person who prescribed the medicine instead of the pharmacist. True they know a lot but I often ran into symptoms from other meds that baffled my pharmacist. Everyone is different and not all side effects are listed or remembered for that matter. Its possible your doctor may want to take you off of it completely as its not a medication that requires a taper like Prednisone.

Its also possible that the pain may be from a flare rather than from the medicine entirely. Coming down from a med that might have been helping and then taking it away too soon can cause more pain from the IBD and pain/stress on the abdomen can cause back pain.

Tylenol may help or heating pads but my main rule has always been to treat the cause rather than mask the symptoms. If the medicine isn't working then try something else and keep in touch with your GI and let them know what's going on otherwise you wont get the treatment you need.
What Crabby said. Hopefully your pharmacist is right but the kidneys are NOT something to mess around with. I hope it's nothing but please do talk to your doctor or get checked out to be sure.
I failed to mention that I did talk to the GI's and my Dr. about it as well. GI 1 is convinced it is arthritis, and wants me to hit the rheumatologist up for more drugs. GI 2 and Dr. both Think either the pharmacist or GI 1 could be right. None expressed any particular concern about my Kidneys. The Dr. did a bunch of blood work, and the only thing that she mentioned was elevated c reactive protein (which is common when taking entecort).

Update: Yesterday, the morning pain was quite a bit less, and today was very minimal. I seem to be trending in the right direction again. I am aware of two changes that might have played a role in it.

Started reflexology (I'm skeptical, but...)
Went back on a SCD/Paleo Hybrid Diet (no grains, legumes or seeds, no white potatoes, no nightshades, no red meat... A depressing way to eat, but there does seem to be a correlation.)
I did manage quite a few follow-ups: testing for food allergies, gluten sensitivity, rheumatoid... (all negative). I am currently backing off the dosage on my Entecort - down to 1 capsule a day. Kidney pain is virtually gone. Other Joint/Muscle pain may be substantially reduced, though I need more time to confirm this, as it was somewhat sporadic.

So, no certain answers yet, but at least seem to be getting things to liveable.
Did a (reasonably) thorough post on the history, current status, and future plans, if you feel inclined to review it... http://r-pentomino.blogspot.com/2012/01/health-blog.html
Thanks for asking.
I hop this is the right Subform. I have had Back/Kidney Pain since the beginning with Entecort. The Pharmacist says this is common due to the effect of Budesonide on prostaglandin.

It hits me the worst about 5-6 hours after I have gone to bed. I have tried a few thing to moderate it. Taking it in the early afternoon, instead of the evening seemed to be helping, as did making sure I drink 64+ ounces of water. However, I just stepped down the dosage to two pills a day, and pain is back with a vengeance (The pharmacist is flummoxed by that).

Does anyone else have experience with this? And if so, have you found anything that helps reduce the pain, or the occurrence of the pain?

Yes! I am dealing with the exact same thing. I've been having bad lower back pain since starting my meds ( Entocort, Pentasa, Prednisone). I have found that a message can help to a degree, but not much. I haven't tried a heating pad, but I've thought about it. Maybe we should try it!
I'm on Entocort too but haven't had any of the symptoms you are describing. One thing struck me though when I read your first post was when you take entocort. I was told to take it first thing in the morning (an hour before I eat anything). Am unsure if this will have any impact on your pain but you never know!
I hope you get some answers soon
I did switch to taking it in the morning, after doing some research on corticosteriods in general. That didn't help in my case. vigorous exercise close to bedtime seemed to help a bit. I am thinking sleeping slightly elevated (like in a recliner) might help too. At this point, I am down pill a day, and the pain has dropped substantially with the dosage. Mostly an inconvenience more than pain. Dropping to 1 pill every other day this week. Fingers crossed.

I have recently been diagnosed with CD after a camera pill.

I am also on week three and second day of first taper from 3 to 2 Capsules of my 6 week Entocort course. For the last week I have had heatburn & indigestion, I am on one Lasoprozole taken at night, and gaviscon after most meals.

Last night the backache & lower right side pain was back. Settled it with co-codamol and hotwater bottle.

I am waiting for my GI to call me with advice, as I don't want to take the wrong thing.

I am waiting for GI to call and advise me
My back pain eventually went away, I had so much Inflammation at the time that caused it. After a month or so it went away, but If I have a little flare up then I can feel it again. :/ not fun!