Hello, my 9 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn's 3 weeks ago. We started him on enteral nutrition therapy last Friday and it's going okay. The dietitian at the clinic gave us some samples of the various shakes he could use so that he could figure out which he liked best. We ordered his favorite online because it wasn't available locally, but we ran out of samples before the order arrived. I called the hospital, spoke with a different dietitian, explained the situation, and she told me she would leave us some samples of Boost for adults. She explained it wasn't safe for him to drink an adult formula long-term, but for a few days until our order arrived it would be fine. I picked them up yesterday afternoon, brought them home to refrigerate, and he drank three of them today. Tonight, I looked at the bottle a little more carefully and noticed they each contain 3 grams of fiber. All the other shakes they gave us had 0 grams of fiber. My first reaction was to be furious with the dietitian for giving us the wrong thing, but then I started to wonder if it's a big deal. I feel like he is making a huge sacrifice doing a liquid only diet and I don't want to screw it up for him, but this is all so new and I'm still learning and just don't know the answer to most of this stuff yet. I ran out to Wal-mart and bought him some Boost for Kids for tomorrow just in case the fiber is a no-no. Can someone weigh in and tell me if the 9 grams of fiber he had today is bad? Also, I just want to add that I have found this forum to be so helpful the past few weeks as I begin to learn all about this disease. I knew absolutely nothing about Crohn's just a few weeks ago, but with the help of this forum and many of you, I feel like I am beginning to get a good education, so thank you all.