Esphogeal ulcers

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
Does anyone have experience with ephogeal ulcers?
I had a scope and they were found. They are grade thee and four
I believe those are the highest level.
Today I am in a lot of pain where I can’t get comfortable no matter what I do.
Any suggestions?

I’ve only had oral ulcers but the only thing that helped me was Percocet. They hurt like nothing else. My doctors gave me a lidocaine solution to swish around my mouth (it was fairly thick) that provided slight relief but it wore off really fast. It might work better for esophageal ulcers but I don’t know. The only suggestion I have is carafate, which I didn’t even think of. It’s a slurry you drink for stomach ulcers and it coats the stomach. It might have the same effect on the esophagus. Any chance of adding on another medication to see if you can get the ulcers to heal? I had a major flare about six weeks after the ulcer developed and ended up in the hospital for a week and back on prednisone. I hope you find something that works.
I just added carafate hopefully that will work. I am just tired of being in pain! 70 days as an in patient in 4 months. I know the ulcers in my mouth alway precede a flare. Hope this dosent!!

Thanks for the response!

I haven’t had an esophageal scope in a long time, but I have about one hundred ulcers in my mouth and throat. Some are tiny, some are clumped together. I can’t see where they end. The pain is unreal. I can’t eat or talk. Swallowing is getting much more difficult as painful. I have a doctors appointment Monday with a new doctor at Atlanta Gastro. In the mean time, besides Magic Mouthwash and Kanka does anyone have any suggestions for the pain?
While amongst my diagnostic souvenirs I been labelled with a 'Short Barrett's Tab, this can happen with Crohn's and UC. it is really form of GERD which causes hydrochloric acid to reflux into the distal oesophagus. Invariably, there is hiatal hernia involved. It is a form of peptic ulcer.

While, for many years a was prescribed daily 40mg pantopazole (Somac) for this problem .
I now only take a dose if a have reflux, which to be honest is rare.Handling matters this way negated the need to do B12 iMI's 2/12.

Of late I have had the pleasure of mouth ulcers forming at the gum line of my lower front teeth. Initially I put this down to an bronchodilator which I use daily. I always made sure that I rinsed my mouth thoroughly afterwards, but still the ulcers persist. Nothing as serious as other have described, but niggling nevertheless.

I have found Biotene mouth wash and gel useful. At night, I use Kenalog paste which works to seal the area. This paste is a form of corticosteroid which works well. It is known by other brand names around world-Norvartis,Tricort-Triderm.

I will try and retrieve a link which comprehensively covers a whole range of possible causation of oral ulceration. Oddly enough Methotrexate is one of the suspects.
Thank you so much, I am still having a great deal of acid reflux if Idont take my meds twice a day. This year has been a bit overwhelming with my health and processing the death of my husband due to pancreatic cancer. I see another new Dr on the 8th as my new Dr in the group left after a month !

I actually just need a Dr who trusts me as much as he wants me to trust him.
