Ever feel like you're hitting your head against a brick wall!?

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I haven't went through much of what you have had to, I was just diagnosed in March but I do know what you mean about feeling it is preventing you from doing what you want. Since diagnosis I have missed out on numerous family get togethers and have been quite removed from social events as well. The toughest part is not being able to work or care for my children. I love them so much and miss being involved in parts of their lives. None of this is easy, for you or anyone. The nice thing is we all have echother and we understand that there are times that are harder then others. Please stay strong, I will pray for you, you have had to go through quite a bit, I am sorry for that. I hope you find some help with everything.
Gulu, are these mission trips you go on? I am a social worker but currently a stay at home mother. I am not able to work and at times I really miss it. I have been thinking about joing a group at our church that go to a prison to just listen and provide support or friendship to a woman in need. There is also a support group that will provide support and friendship to pepole in the hospital with HIV or AIDS.
What started you wanting to reachout and help others, thats a beutiful thing. So how long have you had Crohns? It sounds like you have had some tough times, based on the amount of surgeries you have had. What has helped you recover? Sorry I know it seems like I am asking a hundred question :) Well hope to hear from you, Have a good day. :rosette2:
Gulu and Social- There is hope and a future. I am a long time Crohnie and I have had my ups and downs but I have a very full and satisfying life. The bad days are less severe and less frequent. I am back in full remission. I have learned one of the most important things with this disease is to monitor your nutritional levels. I raised 3 kids as a single mom, worked full time, and actually had a social life with this disease. I am currently working full time, thinking about a new career (at my age), helping the hubby with his business, and doing a little remodeling at home. I still have my draggy and achey days. I still battle the big d occassionally. I just want you two to know it is possible and one day you will look back and say "I did it".
Recurring abscesses??? Over here! lol I'm going for my second surgery tomorrow for mine. The first was 3 weeks ago. From what I'm told, fistulas never go away, they can just become inactive and they're there...they just don't do anything.

Sometimes I think hitting my head off of a brick wall wouldn't hurt as much as this abscess does! lol