Exam in the morning!! Need Sleep

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Let the eternal Crohns Roller Coaster continue. I have an exam in 8 hours and of course my crohns has to flair up in the last two days (my own fault, getting to worked up and stressed about too many things at once) so now its 2am and i have gone like 6 times in the last hour, and i can feel the intestines churning like mad. i am hoping that this is just a temporary flair that will pass once i get the key stress points resolved. I think i may see if i can get a temporary increase on my imuran because i have been riding the fine line for the past month or so between remission and light symptoms, and its always DIRECTLY related to how much sleep i am getting and whether or not i am stressed out

So ya, really no questions there, just me venting, lol
Best of luck man, I've got two tests this week but they should be easy. At least that is what I'm telling myself to make me not freak out.lol
I kinda know how you've been feeling. I haven't been feeling too well and I've chalked it up to the 5 exams, and term paper I've had in the last two weeks. But now I'm over that stuff and hoping for a break. Good luck on the exam!
I taught at a number of colleges over the years. One of the things I was infamous for was what I'd do on the very 1st day... Imagine sitting down to your first class and you are hit with a test... no warning, no prep time, and no time to 'panic' either.
That's what I did.. I hit them with a test, right out of the blue. i'd collect the papers at the end, and then tell them to evaluate their situation. They'd survived, no 1 had lost their lives, their world hadn't come to an end... Then I'd tell them that this 'test' didn't count... I'd mark it, return it... but the score on it wouldn't affect their grade in any way, shape or form. My rationale, my purpose? To show them that a 'bad' test wasn't the end all/ be all.. big boogey man nitemare created in thier heads.. As long as they were prepared (reasonably) for the 'real' tests in life (or in my class) that they need not lose sleep over it. There were bigger issues in life.. And, for the most part, my little wake up call seemed to work on my class.
Well i got back my blood tests from last week, and i think i have dug myself my own hole. About 3 1/2 weeks ago i started a new training routine that really upped the intensity of my workouts...apparently it upped my immune system in the process. My WBC has returned to its home a little over the max (sitting at around 11.3). I still dont understand why the 200mg/day of Imuran i am on does nothing to take a little punch out of my immune system, i think i am going to ask for 250mg/day for a while until i get through school. Day 2 that i am up way to late because of the churning feeling in my gut, its odd though becuas i am fine all day, it doesnt hit until about 10 at night...maybe i should start going to bed before 10 :)....hmmm....
Hey Daryl,

I started a new regime at the gym and was thinking about it impacting on the inflammation too. My guts have definately protested these past few days. I am already on 225mg Imuran and going to 250mg next monday as per my GI as they cant seem to nail my bloods either.

Maybe it is worth considering going to be a bit earlier in that you are overtired without realising it and it too is impacting eh?

Anyway, really hope the exams went ok for you. Hang in there.
oh my god, i had 2 midterms this week, pulled an all nighter and was awake for about 40 hours, i feel SOOOOO bad lol
Thats crazy Dekar. I haven't had much of a problem at college at all. No all nighters or anything. I guess I figure that as long as I have a general knowledge of what I'm doing that I will get a C or better and although that does not look great on your GPA it does help my help. I think I was initially diagnosed because I overworked myself at school freshman year of high school, at the end of the year I had an A average but I was killing myself. The next year I ended up with a B average and I felt much better over all.
One of the things I suggest.. just toss it out there. College schedules flucuate a lot. But if you get in the habit of working 40 hrs a week at it, like it was a regular job, it should get you thru with a decent GPA, teach you that excessive partying comes with a price IF you maintain the 40 hr schedule, and prepare you for the workplace upon graduation. That's the principle I used, and I made the honours role at my college.
soupdragon69 said:
Hey Daryl,

I started a new regime at the gym and was thinking about it impacting on the inflammation too. My guts have definately protested these past few days. I am already on 225mg Imuran and going to 250mg next monday as per my GI as they cant seem to nail my bloods either.

Maybe it is worth considering going to be a bit earlier in that you are overtired without realising it and it too is impacting eh?

Anyway, really hope the exams went ok for you. Hang in there.

Definitly not overtired, i get 7-8 hours a night, if thats not enough, well i cant afford any more with school. I think for my weight 225mg is the max i am supposed to be on, but hell, 200 doesnt even hold my WBC down at all, for the last couple months i have JUST been in the normal range, now, with a couple weeks of intense excercise its blown right out of the water again. I REFUSE to go on Pred again to get things back undercontrol (i wouldnt call things out of control yet, at about 3-4BM/day right now, which sucks after being at 1/day for the longest time, but i have obviously had MUCH worse, and as i stated above, it only seems to trigger in the late evening). I have made huge progress at the gym and i am not going to just give up now, so ya, onwards i go....going to get blood work done every week for the next couple weeks to get an idea if things are picking up pace or just in a temporary state of heightened activity. BLAH!!!! is all i have to say.