Let the eternal Crohns Roller Coaster continue. I have an exam in 8 hours and of course my crohns has to flair up in the last two days (my own fault, getting to worked up and stressed about too many things at once) so now its 2am and i have gone like 6 times in the last hour, and i can feel the intestines churning like mad. i am hoping that this is just a temporary flair that will pass once i get the key stress points resolved. I think i may see if i can get a temporary increase on my imuran because i have been riding the fine line for the past month or so between remission and light symptoms, and its always DIRECTLY related to how much sleep i am getting and whether or not i am stressed out
So ya, really no questions there, just me venting, lol
So ya, really no questions there, just me venting, lol