Excessive tiredness and memory problems on infliximab

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Aug 25, 2013
Hello Dear friends

Seems Louis is in remission calp down to 30 and ESR 10 all great but to what cost, he has been on infliximab and Aza for 11 months and we have been getting increasingly worried about his memory and vagueness worse when tired , his grades at school are dropping which is worrying as next year is GCSE year. prior to this last infusion he was so tired l was convinced he was relapsing dr then though it was virus but he still has these symptoms canot recal even things from that day. was wondering if any of you had come across this side effect
Have his Iron Stores, Folate and B12 been checked lately?

IIRC he has Ileal Crohn’s?

ETA: Also ensure that Vit D, Magnesium and Zinc are checked as well.

Dusty. xxx
That's really worrisome... Like DustyKat said, I'd definitely check iron and B12 levels. I also know I experienced a lot of brainfog while I was on Imuran... how long have the memory problems been going on for? Have you spoken to your GI about it, and if there's anything you can do to counter it?
4th'ing all of it. B12 issues can cause brain fog and memory issues. My daughter tested low for it when she was acting in a similar way. Low D and b12 and a bunch of others can lead to fatigue.
Thanks all, Yes Dusty he has ileal crohns l had hoped his absorption would be ok as his disease is more under control but he was found to have low vit D been on sups but stopped as levels good again, he does not want more time off school for blood test as end of year exams coming up, has infusion fairly soon so shall get them to run tests then. my sister on same regime and describes feeling like living in fog with lead boots on !
pops xx