Crohn's Diagnosis Questioned

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Feb 13, 2015
I feel sympathetic with all of the parents on this forum. I have read many of the posts here and though so many stories are different, I feel we all come from the same place, hoping to find an answer to the difficulties our children face with this disease.

And so I begin, here is our story.

Though always small, my son flat-lined on growth chart at around 10 years old. After a couple years of no linear growth, pediatrician finally referred us to a GI in summer of 2013.

Son has no outward symptoms of Crohn's, except rare complaints of stomach ache after eating. GI ordered standard set of tests. Lab results (CRP, ESR. Hemocrit, etc.), normal. MRI, normal. Pathology report however, indicated abnormalities such as "sections of the TI show disorganized villi and increased lamina propria cellularity w/ plasma cells, lymphcytes, and neutrophils...patchy cryptitis with rare crypt abscesses. Prominent submucosal lymphoid aggregates evident." H. Pylori was also detected in stomach. GI diagnosed Crohn's.

Being newbies to all of this, and son having no complaints other than growth failure, we reluctantly agreed to H. Pylori treatment, followed by 5-ASA. This totally wrecked him. He had a bout of stomach distress which neither pediatrician nor GI could figure out. Flare was assumed, and our son was put on prednisone. Within a few days problems resolved. Tapered off prednisone over three month period and moved to budesonide (Entocort) for about 4 months, on hope of finishing school year without any further episodes. And so it was. But still, no growth. GI wanted to escalate treatment to AZA/6MP. We balked at this and convinced him to let us try SCD for 3 months. Within first month of SCD son grew a little over an inch! But he tired of the food, slowed eating, and started shedding weight he had gained during the prior past few months.

Fast forward summer 2014. Still not convinced our son had Crohn's we sought second opinion. 2nd opinion also said Crohn's. And that GI suggested either going on EEN indefinitely, or Remicade. Though biologics were scary to us, we leaned toward them because our research pointed toward new paradigm of top-down treatment to change history of disease, and we figured EEN would be too high a sacrifice to demand of a child that had no symptoms other than growth failure. Let me restate that our son has none of the other outward manifestations of Crohn's. No bloody or loose stool. No diarrhea or urgency. Once or maybe twice daily stool, 2 - 4 on the Bristol scale. And only isolated complaints of stomach ache every few weeks or months.

Before starting Remicade around Sept. 2014, he had new scopes done to establish baseline. This time around, the terminal ileum biopsies came back with normal villous architecture, scattered lymphoid aggregates, no neutrophilic infiltrates. Colonic biopsies however showed increased lamina propria cellularity with increased lymphocytes, eosinophils, and neutrophils.

Also like to add that neither scope in 2013 nor 2014 showed any granulomas.

So on to Remicade and today, 5 months' hence. After 3 loading doses and 2 maintenance doses, no tangible growth. We have done IFX test for trough levels and antibodies and though levels slightly high, no antibodies. GI did a capsule endoscopy a couple weeks ago which came back pristine. Only comment was some nodularity in stomach, perhaps indicative of H. Pylori infection. And if you look at his scope images, there is nothing there. Pink tissue with well defined vascularity evident throughout.

And so here we are. GI now questioning whether Crohn's is right diagnosis because other than pathology report, nothing supports it and there is no growth. And lack of growth to any treatments is confounding him. We had a really promising inch of growth during the first 4 weeks of SCD, but other than that, only a few millimeters here and there every couple months on follow-up visits.

This was such a long background, sorry if it's too much. Thank you for reading it.

Can this be Crohn's?

Dad to 14 y.o. boy.
Welcome to the forum.

Has he had any imaging done to the small bowel? Have you had faecal calprotectin done?

Have any of the normal labs move in either direction?

Has he had any weight gain?

It could be remission but you would expect growth.
Wow! I can understand your frustration.

Has he seen an endocrinologist for testing regarding the growth issues? If even the GI is questioning the Crohn's dx I would think it is time to start looking at other possible causes of the growth failure. He could still have Crohn's and it be in remission but have secondary issues that the endo might be able to help with.
My son sounds similar to yours. He was always small but growth stopped completely around 10yo. He just turned 13 a week ago. No outward symptoms other than failure to grow. Tried Pentasa, did not work. We are now on remicade, have only had 2nd loading dose and he has gained 5 vertical growth yet though. I think we need to give it more son does have Crohns tho, confirmed via scopes and biopsy and granulomas. However, before Crohn's dx, we had also seen an endocrinologist. They tested for growth horomone levels and various other things....all negative. Have you seen an endocrinologist? They could run some other tests to see if his growth issues are due to something else.
Not everybody with Crohn's has granulomas - I think it's quite a low percentage that do have them. This is from a study (

Granulomas were found in 69 (37%) patients, including 46 (25%) at presentation. Median time from CD diagnosis to epithelioid granuloma detection was 0.16 (0-63) months overall, and 9.59 (0.1-63) months in 23 patients who became epithelioid granuloma positive during follow up. Isolated giant cells were found in 6% of patients and microgranulomas in 12%. Epithelioid granuloma detection increased with the number of endoscopic sampling procedures; sampling site had no influence. By multivariate analysis, epithelioid granulomas were associated with surgical resection but not immunosuppressive therapy.

I know you got a second opinion, but it might be worth getting a third one. And seeing an endocrinologist might help. Also, not all kids respond to Remicade right away - my daughter took 4 infusions but some kids take longer.
I agree with pursuing a consult with an Endocrinologist to see if there is anything in that area going on. I also agree that it can take some time to see results with the maintenance meds.

Unfortunately it isn’t unusual to find normal results and at times little symptoms in children with scopes being the only tool that picks up disease. My daughter’s main complaint was occasional stomach pain for quite some time and her bloods and imaging would come back normal. Neither of my children suffered with diarrhoea or blood, not unusual when the small bowel only is involved and my son does not have granulomas. As Maya has pointed out, only about 50% of people with Crohn’s have granulomas.

It surely is confusing and I would keep pushing for answers while ever failure to thrive remains an issue.

Has Faecal Calprotectin been done?

Also have bloods been drawn for:
  • Iron Stores
  • Folate
  • B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Perhaps also consider a nutritional boost through supplemental Enteral Nutrition?

Dusty. xxx
So frustrating and I'm sorry for you and your son. You could get a 3rd opinion, maybe a Mayo clinic near you? I think it could still be IBD, growth failure is from lack of absorption, which is mostly done in the small intestine. My son had no symptoms, we missed the growth failure, until he had a fistula and abscess, labs were on the low end of normal til a year later with scopes, biopsies and dx. He has resumed growth now, but no catch up yet. Have you done a bone-age xray with an endocrinologist? They can also check the growth hormone levels with bloodwork. Best of luck.
No diarrhea here either .
Have you tracked calories ?
Prior to dx DS was placed on kids boost.
3 a day he gained weight . 2 a day he lost weight slowly
Eventually even that didn't stop the weight loss
A lot of kids with crohns have high calorie needs
Way more than normal kids to grow and gain even with biologics

DS drinks peptamen jr.
He drank it orally wothout food as EEN for 9 weeks at age 7.
Then continued on for it as 2-3 a day for the past 4 years.
He has gained 37 pounds and grown 8.5 inches since then

Lack of weight gain and growth was an early sign for him too
Agree with all of the above, we had now outward symptoms as well except lack of growth/weight gain. He did gain weight when we added supplemental EN (essentially added 2000 calories a day in addition to whatever he would eat in a normal day) he did gain weight and grew an inch before he had some other issues which most likely reactivated his crohn's (as I said no outward symptoms other than lack of appetite and growth) he also had normal labs at this point. We decided to do an MRE as scopes in February were clean. In December when MRE was done it showed inflammation in small intestine (labs were normal except fecal calprotectin which came back slightly elevated).
We ended up starting remicade in January 2014 and it took 6 months before we really saw growth. He was 5'1" when we started remicade and was still that height in April when we revisited endocrinologist because he hadn't started growing. After going through numerous tests for growth hormones there was no issue found almost right after all this testing was done he really started growing (about May) by July he had grown 3" by this last December he was just over 5'6" and is still growing at an incredible rate. We have infusion on Tuesday and I can pretty much guarantee you he will have grown 1-2".
Keep digging for answers, there is a reason why for lack of growth.
Wow! Thank you all for your responses. I feel so much kindness and true sense of community from all of you. It warms my heart. So fitting, here on Valentine's eve!

Allow me to go through your responses and try to answer them as best as I can.

Catherine. I'm not sure which would be small intestine imaging, but he's had two upper endoscopies, MRI enterogram, and capsule endoscopy. Visually, there is no indication of anything. Only biopsies have shown inflammation. Lab results have consistently been at normal levels and unremarkable. ESR always in normal range fluctuating between 2-10 (reference <15). CRP always < 0.5, reference < 0.8. Only deviation from normal has consistently been slightly low RBC/Hemoglobin and there, only off by about 0.1 and just at or barely below the low end of the normal range. He has had weight gain, going from 80 lbs to over 100 after his 5th infusion in a five month period. GI declared remission 3 months ago but still, no growth.

Crohnsinct. Panel of growth hormones/testosterone 4 months ago came back normal. Endocrinologist remarked "constitutional growth delay". We're going back this month for Endo follow up and likely new bone x-rays.

Worried Mama: Our stories do sound similar. My son also hit a wall at about 11 and completely stalled. Pediatrician not initially concerned but referred us to a GI after about a year of no growth.

Maya142: That is a good statistic you provided. It lessens the uncertainty about absence of granulomas casting doubt on Crohn's diagnosis.

DustyKat: Fecal calprotectin has not been run. We will talk to the GI and request that. Vitamin D has been run 3 times over last 1-1/2 years and has come back normal. We will also discuss other vitamin/mineral level tests with GI. I think GI is as anxious for an answer as we are.

Jenn: Your assessment regarding absorption makes sense. Especially with his consistent low RBC counts, it seems he's at least not taking up iron. I like the 3rd opinion suggestion. I will check into Mayo clinic. At this point I'm ready to take him to a center out of state if I have to for answers.

My little penguin. My son never really had weight loss issues, though he didn't gain any either. That was until we tried SCD. The first month he was fine, gained a couple pounds, and actually grew an inch. But then he either tired of the limited menu or maybe something else was going on. He started pushing back on foods we served him. He lost 5 pounds in the ensuing two months.

Jmrogers4. Your account is very encouraging. We're 5 months into Remicade, just having done the fifth infusion. When we decided on Remicade, our realistic expectation was at least 6 months before we would notice any changes. On his fourth infusion GI ordered antibody and blood concentration tests to verify therapeutic levels. Those results came back good.

What I take away from all of your remarks is that we should be patient and give treatment a little more time, while simultaneously pressing for answers until we see growth. We will request fecal calprotectin tests, vitamin/mineral blood tests, follow up with endocrinologist and monitor bone age and growth hormone levels, and possibly, seek 3rd opinion if we continue to see no growth progress.

Again, thank you, and big hugs to all.
Where are you located? Boston Children's, CHOP and Cincinnati Children's also have lots of experience with kids with IBD.

Good luck!!
Hi Mehita. Funny you mention Celiac. He tested negative on TTG IgA test as part of initial screening to try to diagnose growth failure back in summer of 2013, so Celiac was ruled out early on. Just last week though, while deliberating with the GI why the treatment hadn't seemed to spur any growth, I mentioned something that has always bothered me. Between 9 mos and 18 mos old my kids's height and weight went from 75th to 5th percentile. This coincides with a period that solids started getting introduced, including some cereals and crackers. It tracked the lower end of the charts until about 10 years old, where it started flattening out completely. GI remarked early childhood drop-off like that may suggest Celiac, so she ordered a re-test with comprehensive panel. Should have results in a week.

We did the 23andMe study last year, and from those results I know from he carries the DQ2.2 halotype, which though not conclusive, does leave open the Celiac possibility.

The other thing that nags at me is that when we tried SCD (which is among other things, a gluten free diet), and during a period that he was completely medication free, he grew more than an inch within a month. But he got bored with the limited choices and turned away food. His calorie intake dropped dramatically, he started losing weight and his growth once again stalled. That's when we decided to start Remicade. The diagnosis we had in hand from two GIs was Crohn's.
Interesting. Your comment about growth with SCD had me wondering. Well, my son is a prime example of the possibility of both. We were expecting the Celiac dx, but were shocked to hear Crohn's as well since he didn't fit the profiles I'd been reading online. I'm not saying Crohn's isn't a possibility though and, if this is the case with your kiddo, don't let the lack of a visual presence of Crohn's make you think it's not there. We made that mistake.

Celiac can also affect fecal calprotectin and you can have neg blood work, but positive biopsies. Do you know if he had Celiac biopsies ever?
Interesting. Your comment about growth with SCD had me wondering. Well, my son is a prime example of the possibility of both. We were expecting the Celiac dx, but were shocked to hear Crohn's as well since he didn't fit the profiles I'd been reading online. I'm not saying Crohn's isn't a possibility though and, if this is the case with your kiddo, don't let the lack of a visual presence of Crohn's make you think it's not there. We made that mistake.

Celiac can also affect fecal calprotectin and you can have neg blood work, but positive biopsies. Do you know if he had Celiac biopsies ever?

Hi Mehita, we are doing a comprehensive Celiac blood panel and the calprotectin test this week, I'll post what findings are once the results are in.

As far as Celiac biopsies, to the best of my knowledge, nothing specific done there. But as I understand pathologist maintains biopsy specimens for a few years, so I will ask GI if they can go to original set from 2013 and see if they can reassess them with the Marsh classifications. I figure though unless there is a real subtle difference, Crohn's and Celiac present differently at the microscopic level and pathologist would be able to differentiate in their report. But I don't know, worth asking I guess.
I don't remember the details, but I believe you're right that Crohn's and Celiac present differently at the microscopic level... But they need to be looking for it. I do remember our GI specifically saying both were tested when DS was dx'd so there must be some differentiation. I'd have to look through his records again. I'd be a little leery of using the old specimens though only because a lot could have changed since then. He might not have had it then, but may now with all the stress his body has been through.

And even if he doesn't have Celiac per se, he could still be gluten intolerant. Don't cut out gluten though until you're done testing.
I’m not sure if protocol varies from GI to GI, country to country but as far as I am aware coeliac is something that is automatically looked for when biopsies are taken during a diagnostic scope. It was also looked for by pathology when the kids had their resections done.

Dusty. :)
I don't remember the details, but I believe you're right that Crohn's and Celiac present differently at the microscopic level... But they need to be looking for it. I do remember our GI specifically saying both were tested when DS was dx'd so there must be some differentiation. I'd have to look through his records again. I'd be a little leery of using the old specimens though only because a lot could have changed since then. He might not have had it then, but may now with all the stress his body has been through.

And even if he doesn't have Celiac per se, he could still be gluten intolerant. Don't cut out gluten though until you're done testing.

Hi Mehita, we got back some additional test results. We did not cut out gluten.

- Comprehensive Celiac Panel (TtG IgA/IgG, Gliadin IgA/IgG, IgA) all within normal range.
- Calprotectin < 15 ug/g (normal range)

And from last month,

ESR = 2 mm/Hr (normal range)
CRP = < 0.5 mg / dL (normal range)

None of this and all of past 20 month's lab results, scopes, MRI, X-Rays, etc. add up.

On the med front we have escalated him from Prednisone to Pentasa to Entocort to Remicade. And after 20 months, still see no perceptible changes in his growth. There is no bowel ulcerations, fistulas, fissures, granulomas, or anything. Capsule endoscopy 3 weeks ago showed normal and healthy villi structure. The scope visuals are normal, pink colon and intestines with normal vascular expression.

I am somewhat ashamed to even post this as my son's story pales in comparison to the trials I'm reading some of your children face.
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Did he have a Fecal Calprotectin test before he was put on Remicade? The reason I ask is Remicade could be making it normal because it's working! There are plenty of parents whose kids have had normal Calprotectin's when their treatments were working - my daughter is one of them -- completely normal when she was doing well on Remicade.

If it is working though, that doesn't explain why there hasn't been growth... Did you get to see an endocrinologist?
Same here
Normal fecal cal bloodwork imaging scopes etc on remicade
But sometimes crohns kids just need extra calories that are easy to absorb
Have you tracked calories in vs out
Fitness pal does this on gaining weight
Then adding supplemental nutrition
Typically it takes 6 months of remi before growth
How are his albumin levels ?
Vitamin D ?
Sometimes when these are off growth can be effected as well -
Again from nutrition standpoint
Track food for two weeks
That can help endo and GI
Did he have a Fecal Calprotectin test before he was put on Remicade? The reason I ask is Remicade could be making it normal because it's working! There are plenty of parents whose kids have had normal Calprotectin's when their treatments were working - my daughter is one of them -- completely normal when she was doing well on Remicade.

If it is working though, that doesn't explain why there hasn't been growth... Did you get to see an endocrinologist?

We have seen endocrinologist twice in past year. All growth hormone tests normal. Going back in 3 weeks. I'm sure more blood tests, bone age xrays etc. Not sure they'll paint a different picture.
Same here
Normal fecal cal bloodwork imaging scopes etc on remicade
But sometimes crohns kids just need extra calories that are easy to absorb
Have you tracked calories in vs out
Fitness pal does this on gaining weight
Then adding supplemental nutrition
Typically it takes 6 months of remi before growth
How are his albumin levels ?
Vitamin D ?
Sometimes when these are off growth can be effected as well -
Again from nutrition standpoint i
Track food for two weeks
That can help endo and GI
No problem on weight! In fact he's overwight for his height. If I recall correctly albumin, vit D all normal. He's just borderline anemic.

I almost just want to to gluten free for 6 weeks to rule out non-Celiac gluten sensitivity. I know he carries the DQ2 haplotype which is implicated in Celiac even thuogh he doesn't express the antibodies.
No harm in pulling gluten now and seeing. Fwiw my daughter didn't really grow much until she was in remission for a good 6 months.