Hi, you could be tired because your Iron is very low and with it you could also ,but, very malnourished too,, like most of us with C.D., but, I went and got me a Juicing machine, and I juiced two of each; apples, color green leafs, swiss char leafs, asparagus storks, carrots, celery storks and 1 pair, I also put a tiny piece of ginger root, for flavoring.. For me,ONCE a day.. this very FIRST time I made and drank it, I had my Nausia go away[ NOt sure why this happened, thou.] but, also, I was very energized, I was like on speed, but felt good [normal] my dr.s said it could've been because I was so malnourished and lacking everything [food eating] That it could've gave my body the boost in nutrients it really needed, I don't know if it will do the same ,but, try,, THE OTHER great thing about juicing real fruit and stuff,I did NOT get GASY, Belly pain or anything that goes with eating and drinking store juice or the pulp and fiber from the flesh of the fruit and stuff... For me THIS was a out-right Miracle, I had my last surgery 3 1/2 years ago,,for 3 of them I was without lieing or exaggerating[no need to] I literaly was nauseated everyday all day long, I was miserable and ready to go insaine from feeling this way forever[it seemed like at the time]..now I ve been able to eat and live a little [life] sofar Im awesome still. and still juicing ONE TIME a day..This has too be only from a JUICING machine,, so no pulp and fiber, and stuff...Good luck