Hi guys. So, I am continuing on my quest for putting on some muscle mass. I haven't been trying to gain for a while, as I just started with a new GI and have been going through many tests for a re-assessment of my condition. I wanted to focus on being healthy and nothing else. All tests are now completed and I am feeling a lot better than I have in a long time, so I am getting back to my other goal of building some mass. For the past number of months, the only supplements I have been using are glutamine and some fish oil. I just started using whey isolate last week, and am considering for the first time using creatine.
I've been reading up on creatine a lot, over the last week or so, to make sure I understand what it is and what it does. Although it has a very bad rep out there with the general public, it seems its just that people just aren't that educated on it and believe word of mouth. I'm not going to get into all of that here though.
What I am most concerned about is how it will react with my Crohn's. From what I've read, it sounds like regular use shouldn't be of any concern, however excessive use does irritate the digestive tract. I'm considering excessive use as during the loading phase, when you take up to 4 times your regular maintenance dosage: 20g rather than 5g. I've also read that the loading phase isn't necessary, so I guess those articles claiming it is necessary are dated.
What I am considering is sticking to just a straight up monohydrate and taking with some Gatorade powder for the dextrose to help the delivery. Instead of a loading phase I will just be taking a regular dosage and extending the length of the cycle to allow more time for it to work.
I am going to check with my GI next week to see if she approves of me experimenting to see how I react. I am also curious of others experiences with creatine. If you've used it since being diagnosed, I'd be very interested in hearing how it went for you. Also, if you notice anything off about my plan, or ways to improve it, please let me know.
I've been reading up on creatine a lot, over the last week or so, to make sure I understand what it is and what it does. Although it has a very bad rep out there with the general public, it seems its just that people just aren't that educated on it and believe word of mouth. I'm not going to get into all of that here though.
What I am most concerned about is how it will react with my Crohn's. From what I've read, it sounds like regular use shouldn't be of any concern, however excessive use does irritate the digestive tract. I'm considering excessive use as during the loading phase, when you take up to 4 times your regular maintenance dosage: 20g rather than 5g. I've also read that the loading phase isn't necessary, so I guess those articles claiming it is necessary are dated.
What I am considering is sticking to just a straight up monohydrate and taking with some Gatorade powder for the dextrose to help the delivery. Instead of a loading phase I will just be taking a regular dosage and extending the length of the cycle to allow more time for it to work.
I am going to check with my GI next week to see if she approves of me experimenting to see how I react. I am also curious of others experiences with creatine. If you've used it since being diagnosed, I'd be very interested in hearing how it went for you. Also, if you notice anything off about my plan, or ways to improve it, please let me know.